Linux 5.2 Picking Up A GPIO Vibrator Driver For Supporting Setups Like The Fairphone 2

Just dreaming of a newer kernel for our Fairphone 2. Isn’t there also an open-source driver for the integrated GPU available in a recent kernel?


You might want to tag @z3ntu for this one :wink: . He’s done and doing some magnificent work on upstream Linux support for Fairphone 2. Kernel tree here, some outdated information here.

GPU is definitely doable but I’m hitting a number of (weird) issues unfortunately.

And yes, it’s me who wrote the driver - funny that it got a phoronix article ^^


Awesome, dude. Great job! :clap::clap:

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Yep, this tends to happen to open source developers that do stuff that matters. Michael has a serious interest in these kind of OSS developments for the better! Enjoy the fame :wink:

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