Lineage-16.0 (Android Pie) Nightly

13 posts were split to a new topic: aptX codec removed from official LOS 16.0

I had wlan disconntions. I don’t know if it really helps. But it seemed that they are gone after I removed the spaces in the name.
Old name : “This Is My Wlan”
New Name: “ThisIsMyWlan”

Confirmed for LineageOS 16.0 for microG.

While the most left volume setting correctly mutes the alarm, as the icon next to it indicates, the setting one step to the right gives a sound with LineageOS 15.1 for microG, but not with LineageOS 16.0 for microG.

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Keyboard issues and home/task buttons don’t work:

Every now and then (several times a day), the keyboard does not show up anymore when the cursor is set in a text field. At the same time, the home and task switcher buttons don’t work anymore (pressing them triggers the optical highlighting of the button, but nothing happens). Back button works though.

I need to reboot the phone or switch the keyboard in system settings from Gboard to AOSP, to get everything going again.
(I first thought it has to do with Gboard, but it also happens with the default AOSP keyboard as well.)

Any ideas on how this could be fixed :thinking: ?

Using OpenCamera currently, it’s starting with resolution and ISO information. ISO reads ISO100 after I flashed todays LoS (2019-05-20). This leads to much darker pictures than before the new HAL. Using the stock camera app is not showing this problem (ISO on auto).

Where can I configure ISO setting in OpenCamera ;)? A dumb question I guess…

Using the stock camera app still has an out of sync flash by the way :-/.


With the “-/+” icon above the flash settings icon.


Wow, that was easy ;). So the new camera HAL is working like a charm here.

I noticed something funny :smiley:

Sometimes the quick settings icon to enable/disable wifi shows the torch symbol instead of the wifi symbol.
So far my best guess at when this happens: wifi is enabled but hasn’t connected to any network yet.

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By now I’m pretty sure the icon for “wifi on, unconnected” is wrong (torch symbol). Those for “wifi on, connected” and “wifi on, connected but no internet” are ok.

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Is there any reason why this topic is in the #participate:dev category? Isn’t Lineage OS 16 official yet?

Perhaps because it’s in active development (nightly) and because I don’t find the new forum categories very intuitive :-D.

Active development just means it isn’t outdated and nightly are LOS stable releases.

Is it possible to switch the mobile network manually?
If I try to switch off automatic selection, there is an error, that no other network was found and it’s swichted back on.
Does anyone knows a workaround?


Does anybody know if it is possible not to force the home screen icons into shapes? On LOS 15 that was possible in the home screen settings, but I can’t find that option anymore.

Scheint mit Trebuchet nicht zu funktionieren. Unter
Einstellungen für den Startbildschirm -> Form des Symbols ändern
hat man nur Kreis, Quadrat, Squirkel und Tropfen zur Auswahl.
Ich nutze Lawnchair. Da kann man unter
Einstellungen -> Design -> Icon-Form
auch “nicht ändern” oder “keine”


Many thanks to @chrmhoffmann for his work. I used Lineage 14 and 15 without problems and like it.
Now I installed Lineage and GApps_full manually from the SD-Card, out of TWRP3.3.0.0.

No Installation Problems so far, and the Updater works for the Nightlys, when I Press Vol. up and the Power on while the Phone is rebooting.

I have an issue with the battery indicator, which doesn’t indicate more than 50%. battery works quite normal, but does not show me real values.
I don’t know if this issue existed from the first install, I noticed it yesterday while I changed the battery. I have a second battery which I charge outside of the device with an extra charger. If my battery does not last the whole day, I change it. If I put the freshly charged battery into the phone, it shows me exactly 50 % for hours.

At the moment I think the battery consumption is higher than with Lineage 15, so what is Your experience?

The second issue is that I don’t get information about the battery in “settings”, the section “Akku” (battery) has vanished.

Third issue: torch doesn’t work, flash in the camera app doesn’t work, too.

I use the last nightly from may 23.

Torch works for me.
My experience with the battery drain is different. On 15.1 the phone did not last a day. With 16 it gets through the day. Yesterday evening it was ~10% when I pluged it in. I use the newer battery version with the “change is in your hands” labelling.

I had a bootloop this afternoon, which heated the phone and drained my battery.

I did another Installation from SD Card this night with the zip-File from the 23th, cleared the Dalvik Cache before. Everything works properly until now.
All my issues from yesterday have vanished, I get the torch, the flash, I also had the 100% on the battery indicator and I got the section Akku in my settings.
I don’t know what happened before, my problems began after updating via updater app.

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@chrmhoffmann the Red Cross thanks you!

Now … I have two problems:

  1. My battery used to last 2-3 days, now it’s drained after less than a day. It looks like the WiFi stays on, even though I disabled the “advanced” location settings everywhere. It looks like the screen is a lot brighter too, despite the cursor being at the minimum.

  2. The most critical for me is that I often (but not always) receive SMS notifications only when I switch on the screen. That is critical because I wait for an SMS from my wife to pick her up at the train station when she finishes work by 1am, and it already happened that she had to wait ~30 min in the cold night in a not-so-safe area at 1am, waiting for me to arrive. It may sound silly but that would be a reason for me to switch back to LOS 15 for “physical security” reasons…

Other than that I’d like to disable/personalize the predefined SMS quick answers, as I already misclicked “No” to a message from my wife (now you know all about my life ;))

Depite those problems I’m still amazed by your work and the time you’re giving to this project, so thank you!