"In Notepad++, use replace all with regular expression. This has advantage over conversion command in menu that you can operate on entire folder w/o having to open each file or drag n drop (on several hundred files it will noticeably become slower) plus you can also set filename wildcard filter.
This will match every possible line ending pattern (single \r, \n or \r\n) back to \n.
Depending on the tool with which you installed git, it may default to transforming LF to CRLF on Windows. When your sources are primarily targeted for Windows platform, that’s the right choice. For Unix, Java, Python, XML, HTML, Javascript etc, you will probably want to use LF anyway.
… and if you got the script from github using zip, that means the developer commited a Unix script with alien EOLs
Just did a fresh install with complete wipe on my device for testing. I flashed the following extra packages
opengapps pico
fdroid priviledge extensions
Also installed my most relevant apps and am now in the process of setting everything up. Will report later what works (and maybe what doesn’t).
Took me some time to find how to enable the new Android 9 navigation bar. In the German settings it’s under “System > Erweitert > Bewegungen” and then enable “Auf Startbildschirmtaste nach oben wischen”. I think in English it’s called “Gestures” in the settings. Should have been translated to “Gesten”…
installing it on the encrypted mobile does not work, I has the same issues as described by @AnotherElk
then I planned to remove the encryption. As far as I know this is only possible by formating the data partition. So I created a backup in TWRP, saved it on by notebook, formatted the data partition.
Then I restored the TRWP backup on the unencrypted data partition. But when starting the mobile first time after restore, the phone directly started to encrypt the phone before I’ve seen the screen to enter the PIN
Is there any chance / any other way to install Android 9 on a mobile that is encrypted and to keep the installed apps?
I upgraded from lineage15.1-microg, after having changed the signing keys, and the update went flawlessly. As far as I can see, all settings have been kept and I didn’t encounter problems yet.
Thanks a lot. @chrmhoffmann@z3ntu
Is there a possbility to buy you a coffee/beer?
I simply installed LOS16 new and installed most of the apps from a backup.
I’ve one small issue until now. The backgroud image doesnt fit anymore. I use Lawnchair 2 alpha as a launcher and Simple Gallery. With the stock launcher i have the same problem.
Does anbody has a hint?
That could be a possibility. The WiFi still works when it displays the dot.
I found another thing. When I choose that the stock camera app should save the pictures at the SD card it doesn’t use the standard DCIM folder. Instead it saves the pictures in another folder as you can see at the screenshot.
So I also installed Pie It was a clean install, as I was encrypted before, did look good, but it would not let me in. Wiped everything, installed ROM, Magisk and OpenGapps nano (want to experiment with Magisk also). Restored from TiBu Backup, the rest from my computer.
as already mentioned, auto brightness does not work
it looks like charging does not work when switched off
I have the impression, graphics performance suffers a bit
a few apps did not work after restoring (signal e.g.), I had to reinstall those from scratch
WLAN is slow to reconnect
I had one spontaneous reboot, unfortunately, last_kmsg ist corrupt, but here is it anyway:
deleted /data/misc/vold/convert_fde (to prevent that after system reboot the device is re-encryted on boot
ran Berta’s migration script
installed lineage 16 and gapps nano
Will start to to check now the phone and all apps.
First points I noticed:
Trust has given a warning ‘This build was signed with public keys’, where I don’t no if this is really an issue or not.
The app ‘notification manager’ works now again without crashing. With lineage 14 it worked, with lineage 15 it always crashed, now with lineage 16 it works again
One banking app does not recognize the PIN at startup time