Known reproducible and reported issues of the Fairphone 5 - wikimetadiscussion

This is the wikimetadiscussion for the topic: ✏ Known reproducible and reported issues of the Fairphone 5

Use this topic to discuss the content of the wiki, not the issues, those can be discussed in the linked threads to keep things central.


Metadiscussion in case someone wants to discuss something about the wiki itself (something missing etc) and not to collect bugs? Just to avoid misunderstanding.


Does it give sense to have “Instant fingerprint unlock is the default and no way to disable it 4” as this may be an “inconvenience” (and a request for improvement" but imho no bug (I mean it’s no failure of a defines feature)?

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It still depends, does FP intent it to be like this? I’ll wait for the response from FP. But I doubt I’m the only one who isn’t happy with this default behavior.

On the FP4 there were many complaints because people were annoyed as they had to lift their finger, so I assume thats why it is as it is on the FP5

That may be true. But removing the other option would not make sense, because people don’t come complain about existing and working options :slight_smile: My Pixel also had instant unlock, but the scanner was at the back of the phone, on the FP5 it’s on the side and you simply touch it.

People also complained about the carrier name in the notification bar, that didn’t change on the FP5. By default it’s still there and the switch to turn it off

But I’ll leave it at this. If anyone also sees this default behavior as a problem, then please contactsupport

In any case, I think it’s best to discuss the issue related stuff in the linked threads. This wikimetadiscussion is about the setup of the wiki itself. I just conform to how things are done on this forum, a metadiscussion is always added. But I think the issues should be discussed in the topics themselves, otherwise it gets fragmented.


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