Keep club - Fairphone web, how to enter?

Aha, I found a way!
Do I get a reward for managing to sign up before release? I didn’t get the 20 point reward I was promised for completing the first challenge (in ultra-hard-mode) though. :frowning:


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Unlisting the topic if its not intended to be out in the public.


That’s it.

Waiting for the launch. Thanks!

Hey AndreasChris!

It’s called “The Keep Club” because you get points for keeping your phone :wink: But there are many other ways of getting points: of course, one of them is buying spare parts that will allow you to keep your phone for longer. But also if you get a protective case or screen protectors to keep your phone safe (and running for longer!). So I don’t think it is the same as the old corporate bonus club - you will not see other companies awarding the longevity of their products. In fact, you will not get points for buying a new Fairphone.

Hope this clarifies it a bit better, but always good to wait for the official launch to dive a bit more into the page :wink:


Hey Mixigodo!

Yup :frowning: sadly old orders will not be migrated— not sure if this will change in the future. But for now it will stay that way

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I got an email a while ago …

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Oh, thank you! I didn’t receive that mail :confused:

I logged into my account yesterday to check the purchase date of my Fairphone 3, and then I saw that none of my orders were registered (I also bought a case and some TWS Earbuds nearly a couple years ago). Luckily I’m cautious and have a copy of the invoices, but maybe that’s not the case for other people, and it’s quite annoying not to have that information at Fairphone’s website. It would also be nice to have received some kind of notification (before, to make a backup copy of that information; or even after, as you have been notified by mail).

However, I suppose that by contacting support they will still have that information in case you need it, although it is more annoying and I imagine it may delay the management of any warranty or repair.

Thanks again for sharing that info! :slight_smile:


The Keep Club is already discussed online:

and here (no coments so far):

Both threads started by the same user; with the intention of comparing the discussions.

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Oh yeah, that was me. I wrote that right after posting the above comment about the name seeming a bit cynical to me. I sometimes try to proactively discuss potentially controversial thoughts of mine on multiple platforms to get some ‘outside’ opinions, as filter-bubbles can be quite a dangerous thing when forming one’s opinion in my experience.

It actually got quite a few interesting responses on Lemmy quite quickly, which is interesting in itself, as in my experience Tildes is the much smaller but at the same time more constructive platform when it comes to discussions imo.

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Today, Keep Club is starting to work.
But I have a question: I have recycled my Fairphone 2, a month ago. Is there a way to make it appear in the “Club”? And I have registered my Fairphone 4 warranty, some weeks ago. I suppose it will appear in its place too, correct?

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Indeed. It seems one can sign up now with a regular account - not with a Fairphone Staging one as was the case a few days ago.

As far as I can tell you need to register your Phone via your IMEI at the Keepclub menu you can reach via your Profile when logged in to the shop, or via the following link:

Interestingly you can currently sign up without ever agreeing to any terms or conditions. At least I didn’t see any link or checkbox when registering. ^^ There does exist a document titeled ’ Keep Club Terms and Conditions’ at the following page (that is provided via a link - sneakily hidden behind a ‘see more challenges’ button - in an email you receive after signing up and completing a challenge) though:

Also the challenge overview has moved to a different URL:

It seems some of the ‘challenges’ can be completed now. Although past birthdays and already registered warranties do not seem to be imported at the moment.

Also a bunch of links are still broken.

The Birthday challenge triggered now, I’m still waiting for the newsletter and the warranty one though. Also the birthday one says ‘completed’ now - so I’m not sure wether that means it’s a one-time-thing, or wether it will reopen each year. I hope it’s the latter.

Yeah, maybe I misjudged the weight of the spare parts in the ‘buy stuff’ equation a bit. It initially just kinda seemed to me that simply buying a new Fairphone will give you disproportionally many points compared to all the other actions. We’ll see I guess.

I guess I just tend to use higher sustainability-standards when judging products and programs coming from Fairphone, since sustainability and repairability is the main selling point here. It’s still better than much of the stuff provided by other players in the Smartphone Industry, I was/am just sceptical wether it’ll further improve the situation from the level where we’re at now.

What is the official state of the program now? I for one would say we could consider it available, now that it’s listed in the official shop profile and people can sign up and complete challenges with their regular shop-accounts. It’s still a bit buggy though. (And the missing agreement checkbox for the Terms and Conditions may be an issue, if I didn’t miss anything.)


Oh, that changes things a bit. I somehow missed that part completely when reading your response before. It’s not as extremely disproportionally weighted as I first thought then.

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@Marta_Artigas I’m a little bit confused: After my first 50 points I got an email that I’ve leveled up to copper and in that mail I read that this includes free shipping. However on the keep club page I read that only from the next step on this is included. I didn’t find the keep club terms and conditions yet to see what might be right but anyway, it should be consistent somehow.
And of course a pity that the almost seven birthdays of my FP2 don’t count, but that’s okay.

Yeah, it also took me some time to stumble upon any terms and conditions, since they weren’t linked on the signup page when I signed up, but they do exist on the following page:

I have yet to study the whole thing, but according to my Strg+F search shipping is not mentioned in there at all. Neither specification of the various Tier levels beyond their existence.


yes, the same experience here. I think this is the early-stage programme mistake.

sorry to hear about FP2 not included

I still cannot obtain points for signing up for the newsletter. I put my email address, confirm the subscription, receive an email confirmation about completing the Keep Challenge and that’s it - no points obtained, the challenge still greyed, is it just me?

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It stays greyed out for me as well, but when I check the log above I can see that I got them anyway. Have you checked that?

hey, thanks for checking that up.

I don’t have points for it, and the points received do not even match the challenges officially completed, as adding them would equal 70 points:/

I know it is trivial and I feel kinda stupid mentioning it:)

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I am a very happy owner of two FP3 phones (one from 2020, the other from 2021), both with /e/OS on them.

And while I was quite stoked about the new Keep Club programme and that it says it primarily aims to reward using your phone as long as possible, I am very disappointed that it limits the programme only to stock OS that Fairphone installs on the device.

Excerpt from Keep Club T&C §5. Using Your Keep Club Points (emphasis mine):

5.1 You collect Points by completing various activities that fall into one of the following categories:

  • Joining the club: Receive 20 points for consenting to join the Keep Club
  • Phone’s Birthday: Earn 20 points for every year you keep your phone! To be eligible, please enter your IMEI number in the required form in your account. We calculate your phone’s birthday based on the date you booted up for the first time. You can only collect birthday points for one phone at a time, the most recent one you entered into the form. This activity is limited to Fairphone 3 or Fairphone 3+, Fairphone 4 and Fairphone 5 models running on Android. Neither Fairphone 2, nor Fairphones powered with alternative OSes (such as e/OS/) can be used.

/e/OS is an Android system, just as Fairphone’s Android install is. An alternative OS would be e.g. SailfishOS or Phosh or Plasma Mobile, which are directly Linux-based.

(side note: “/e/OS” is spelled with wrong in the T&C)

I fail to see the logic in this limitation (as well as why FP2 and FP1 do not count, but that is a separate issue). If this is about supporting longevity of the phones and avoiding electronic waste, it should not matter what software it is running. Especially after Fairphone’s, admittedly very generous, warranty expires and its software gets EOL, if one would want to continue using the hardware, one would need to use a community-developed ROM.