K-9 Mail. Multiple accounts?

Is it possible to use K-9 Mail with two emailaccounts? I can’t find where to put the details for the second account.

Click the plus in the lower right corner! :wink:

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Arrr, I still can’t find it. I have put my phone to German. I go far left below to “Einstellungen” and then I can choose: Ordnereinstellungen, Kontoeinstellungen and Globale Einstellungen.
Can you please tell me where you choose ‘Konten’?

Don’t go to “Einstellungen”. Just open the app and there it is. It is the first window you see!

I feel so stupid. The first window I get is “Posteingang” with the received messages of the account I have with K-9 Mail.

Don’t. Whats stupid here is Androids UI. It “remembers” the last activity or window you used before exit. So when you are in Posteingang/Inbox use the “back” button. It should bring to to the “Accounts/Konten” screen. At least is does for me. To be fair, here is Googles long post explaining back and up buttons: Criar gráficos de navegação  |  Desenvolvedores Android  |  Android Developers

[Edit by @Stefan: Added headline.]
Tap the robo-dog in the top left corner, as often as it takes to get back… And off you go. :dog2:


[quote=“ben, post:6, topic:5183”]
Don’t. Whats stupid here is Androids UI. It “remembers” the last activity or window you used before exit. So when you are in Posteingang/Inbox use the “back” button.[/quote]

Thank you. But the "back"button closes the app.

Yes, that’s the trick. I finally can make a second account.
Thanks to you @Stefan, @ben and @humorkritik for your help!


See how confusing this is? :confused: