Just bought FP2 fell on the floor.. dead, no signs of life

Hey all!

So I decided to finally buy a FP2 after my old iPhone broke down but the experience has been mellow since then :s I have it since two weeks and it fell on the floor yesterday and since then it doesn’t start anymore. I already disassemble it and reassemble it but nothing changes. When I charge it there’s a bit of heat on the upper part of the Sims but nothing more. So some electricity is going through but stops somewhere?
I also by chance met someone with a fairphone and tried to put his battery in mine to see if my battery was broken because of the fall… but my phone still didnt show any sign of life with his.
What can I do? I didn’t bought it from Fairphone directly but from Debitel in Berlin Germany. Its phone and contract reseller here.

Your help will be much appreciated since its my only phone right now and I work for Deliveroo (like uber eats, lieferando etc) and absolutely need my phone to work!


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There’s a Fairphone Angel in Berlin, you might want to contact him, perhaps he is willing to test the other modules of your FP2 as well.


Then you absolutely need a backup phone. Any phone can stop working at any time for any reason.
Let’s hope the core module is allright, since it is the most expensive part of the phone by far.

Modules are here, except the core module (Fairphone themselves only sell this as part of a repair job).
Core Module would be here at a reseller.

What does that mean?

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Thanks for the replies! Yes I tried the map to find an angel but when I click on Berlin it only shows “BERLIN

I didn’t wanted a back up phone because FP2 was already a big cost for me and the point of buying it was not to support some other brand. At the end I think I should have bought one of these caterpillar phone… It would have survive such little fall. Have you heard of anyone making a 3D printed protective cover for that fairphone? That would be great.

That is the email address to contact the Berlin Fairphone Angel.


“Nachher ist man immer schlauer.” :slight_smile:
Mine fell from a table once … not a scratch. It depends on so many factors what happens to a phone falling down … not the least luck.

If you expect a “rough” environment for a phone beforehand, you would have a point with looking at CAT’s line of phones.

Or you could protect the phone with an additional case, here’s a topic …

That would probably only replace the original case, meaning little or no additional protection, but for what it’s worth …



Sounds like it dropped during a biking session on asphalt or concrete maybe. That’s more than just a little drop for a smartphone. Though I accidentally dropped mine on hard concrete few weeks ago and survived without scratches. Have you checked the screen connector? Maybe if you’re lucky it just came lose or something…

I didn’t drop it while riding. Just at home from my desk so nothing crazy. I have no carpet but still. I checked everything with a fairphone Angel and it looks like the core module might be faulty/broken. Its in repair now.


Hi, please keep us updated and good luck with the repair.

Hey, any news concerning the repair? What was damaged?

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