Is the FP2's hardware really open?

One of the Fairphone 2’s selling points is that unlike other phones, it’s “designed to open” thanks to its modular design. But, Fairphone says that you shouldn’t open any of the individual modules - so isn’t that just moving the problem to another level? Do we truly own the phone if we’re not supposed to open it up?

What do you think?

if fairphone allows to “open the module”, then someone would say “it’s not really open if we can’t take appart each transitor from the chip !!”.
It’s made to be open, and the main advantage is that you can buy directly the module, and change them without any technical knowledge, this is why it is “designed to be open” :slight_smile:
you are supposed to open your phone, change the module, without loosing your warranty


Marketing/PR. Call it what you will :wink: It’s like “OpenGAPPS”. There is nothing open with GAPPS, just the scripts that pack them.

It depends on how you define “open” and on your background.

But hey, no one can stop you from opening a module in a device you own. And to replace the camera sensor, as an example.

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About the question in the topic title: No FP2 is not open (source) hardware, but that was not the question you really wanted to ask.

I think “designed to open” is a valid statement, as you can and should open your FP2 if you run into issues. You can marvel at the inside, clean the connectors and replace modules, but of course the design could be “opener”.
I guess if you open up a module even more you only loose warranty on that module, so you can decide for yourself if you’d rather get a free replacement on warranty or try to repair your module yourself to reduce your carbon footprint and e-waste, but if you fail have to buy a new one.


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