Is it possible to flash LineageOS via fastboot?

Thanks @AnotherElk and @oli.sax !

Both solutions work very well.

At least the last one was probably too easy. :smiley:
I did not notice that the internal storage is also visible (e.g. in the OS File Explorer/Manager - “Nautilus”/“Files” in case of PureOS or other Linux OS with GNOME Desktop) when you boot into TWRP.

Also the sideload is pretty easy:
In TWRP go to Advanced → ADB Sideload (and active via slider so that the phone is ready to receive a zip on this way)
Then simply go to the folder where you stored the zips on your PC and execute the adb sideload

E.G. here I wanted to zip a nightly and the su addon zip (you have to reactive sideload in between):

adb sideload 
Total xfer: 1.00x
adb sideload 
Total xfer: 1.73x