Originally published at: https://www.fairphone.com/en/2019/10/24/introducing-our-new-podcast/
Is there a RSS feed available? I’d want to use a podcast application for listening and following. It should be possible in SoundCloud, but I can’t find it.
Hi @Roboe, sure thing - here you go: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:722599552/sounds.rss
Let me know, if that works out for you
In the next episode you could explain why you said goodbye to open source and users data privacy.
Tried with gpodder (running on Sailfish OS), the link worked just fine to add as a podcast! Will listen in later.
It was nice listening to you guys talking.
Small advice: in the intro and outro, while Miquel was talking, there was some background music playing. I found that somewhat irritating. During the interview itself it was gone fortunately. I’d prefer to not have it while someone is talking.
Could you upload the podcast(s) to Spotify?
Nice initiative!
Re: Feature phone of 20 years old (@17m). Probably the firmware is not updated anymore. As soon as feature phones got internet, and started to get a web browser and become basically more of an extension of a person (smartphone) than a mobile phone the attack surface increased.
Everything is getting connected, so something like a Tesla also has a higher attack surface than a 20 year old car.
This is important because the security of the device is my primary concern together with reliability. I have no interest in running the latest features on an older (smart)phone. I’m good with requiring to build a newer one for that, I believe that is fair. What is not fair, however, is having no security updates for your device as it makes the data it contains (and it contains a lot) insecure and potentially available to an adversary.
Ha Jeroen,
zeker Here you go: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6Ir9kp4v8fgG3aDDsj6lgn?si=B0R9a1HHTqW7NXW2fYQTlw
From now on, all podcasts will be updated on Spotify as well.
And thanks for the topical feedback. Not quite sure if Matthias was referring to a feature phone with online capabilities or literally just one for calls and texts. I’ll ask him and get back to you.
Hey Ingo,
Thanks for the feedback.
I’m still working on getting the right balance for the intro and outro of every episode.
You’re probably right though, the music could’ve stopped a bit earlier.
I’ll fix it for the next one
Hi @Blaffi,
Nice interview
Some feedback from me: I think the microphone needs to be improved. I thought they were sat in different rooms until I saw the picture on twitter (or on your blog) that showed them sat next to each other! Miquel sounded like he was sat in an empty room on the opposite side of the room from the microphone, which made it difficult to hear him sometimes.
If that’s the same microphone used for AMA videos on Facebook etc then the reason I think it is okay for vids is because we can see lips moving, but when it’s audio only it becomes difficult.
I don’t know what “pro” podcasters use but I imagine it’s not particularly expensive kit as many of the podcasts I listen to are hobbyists; maybe you just need spend some time tuning the setup.
I look forward to the next one!
Hey @madbilly,
Thanks mate and spot-on technical analysis
Now that we’re committing to one episode a month, I’m definitely getting a proper hardware setup - both in terms of mics, mixers and where we record as well.
Appreciate the feedback for sure and let’s do a technical check-in after the next one
Hi @Blaffi, it’s good to know you thought the same thing. Hopefully uou can find some good secondhand equipment to keep it circular
In fact I noticed that, too. It wasn’t too bad, though.
It worked, thank you very much!
Im hoping you guys get beyond the office-style-interviews. Obviously you know now that the audio quality ( it isn’t just the microphones, it is also the room) needs improving. Anyone who told you podcasting is easy doesn’t know how this stuff really works. It takes a lot of work.
The content is of interest and relevant but I hope you push the envelope with this medium – your work in Uganda for example, let us hear from people there. In the old days the doc that pre-fairphone Bas and others made about coltan in DRC was so engaging and informative… this podcast could re-capture that. Or it could just be a branding, internal chats podcast which in my opinion would never really inspire an audience beyond the existing supporters who are with you no matter what. - Anyway best of luck. It is a great opportunity.
Sorry I missed your comment for a while there Mark and thanks for the feedback!
I’m co-signing everything you mentioned above. I have high hopes for podcasts as a great storytelling medium for us, where we get the chance to really deep dive into the many different aspects of our efforts here.
Nobody said this will be easy, that’s for sure, but we have to start somewhere So for the next episode, I’ll sort out the technical side of things and work on the format, including more audience participation - and from there, we’ll keep building. Joining our VC team on research trips is a great idea and there are so many more possibilities.
Would you say though, that conversations with some of the interesting changemakers that pass by our office are still a worth while episode to share?
Hi Jan –
Would you say though, that conversations with some of the interesting changemakers that pass by our office are still a worth while episode to share?
It might be, and I think if you feel like it is, then go on and do it. But honestly the cold hard truth is the podcast space is overflowing with interesting conversations… or rather… interviews with people doing interesting things It is certainly a good start, but surprisingly not always enough.
Stay creative, I say. Dare to mess with the format and do more than just sit with someone in their office. Ill keep an ear out for ya.
It would be cool to give a voice to people, who aren’t usually heard. E.g. locals from the reasearch trips.
Thanks for the new podcast!
I haven’t had time to hear it completely up to now but at least I can say it starts with very interesting information and I’m looking forward to listening the rest of the episode!