🇬🇧 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 Interesting links / news articles somehow related to FP (collection)

Just found this, an open hardware Android phone: https://hackaday.io/project/42944-kite-open-hardware-android-smartphone

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See here: :slight_smile:

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6 posts were split to a new topic: Microsoft goes Open Source

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Lush UK chooses Fairphone from Phone Co-op!


This fits best here for now. If a discussion evolves, we can move it back or start a new toipc.

Here is an article explaining how Fairphone managed to upgrade to Android 7.1. As far as I understood, they didn’t have help from Qualcomm, and did it all by themselves, quite similarly to what developers did with LineageOS.
The end of the article is a bit more interesting, we learn that they are thinking of writing codes for Android 8.0, but that will be difficult (as we already were told). They also state that they focus on FP2 at the moment, and that an FP3 is not for the near future. If they happen to release one, they will continue to maintain previous models.


Reading through the feature list I cannot get rid of the strong impression that most modifications are related to eye candy. Which often is the major reason for me to skip successors or even turn away.
Reading further on references 3. also lists up some technical features, but nothing I have missed so far.
I could only read little about core security advancements etc.
And when matching customer complaints about existing Android versions and their expectations on advancements and what´s now delivered here, I cannot recall having heard loud voices about:

  • clock being displayed on the wrong side
  • taking a screenshot was too complicated
  • Rounded corners across the graphical user interface missing
  • An ugly volume slider :joy:

and more crap not to be mentioned.

As it turns out many users always wanting to have the latest Android version at hand seems to believe this automatically delivers the highest possible security and usability factor. Reality is often neglected.
Windows users should know by now, many Android users still need some time for gathering more experience clearing their vision.
How many could state to know a non-FP user having a newer Android version and receiving regular security updates on a per month basis as FP manages to do since the launch, even after the warranty period?
If wanting to have the highest security level actually regular security updates or patches on a short term basis are required. Even M$ has learned this simple lesson and does as good as it can (wants).
Holding a more advanced handset with newer Android version but receiving security updates only (for premium models) every few months is to make it clear in concerns of security ridiculous.
Let alone that many manufacturers don´t even put energy into regular security updates but rather pretend to do so giving the customers a wrong impression of holding a secure device in hand.
So any Android user out there having the need of using banking, email and other apps for sensitive issues should use his common sense and consider what´s the better way.
I know for myself, if ever having the very urgent need starting such sensitive things on my mobile, real regular security updates on a short term basis for a not state-of-the-art Android would rather convince me using such a handset instead of having the latest Android version which may have seen the last security update some months ago.


Am I spotting a new, coloured rim in Lina’s hand there? :innocent:

Source: https://twitter.com/BCorpCommunity/status/1010842269904179201


The CEOs of FairLötet (fair tin-solder) and nagerIT (fair computer mouse) plus Len Abe (labour rights activist from Shenzhen, China) are doing some events under the banner of “Inside China’s IT Factories: the Struggle for Human and Workers’ Rights”.

Here’s the Hamburg date for example: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/ThoughtWorks-Hamburg/events/251885573/


Very good to see that such things are also gaining more interest and priority from the inside.
Nevertheless reading this paragraph somehow sounded to me as if they were talking about German work conditions.
That´s what we have to face as well.
One of my longest work days had 21 hours not being an emergency case but the result of someone not feeling like doing his homework as a business manager properly. :neutral_face:
People abroad could think - what Germany
Yes, simple rule here. Keep the job for a (family) living and to pay off depths for a house, car etc. or be replaced by someone else needing the pocket money and job more urgent. And there is always someone else waiting in need of a job…
I keep it slightly different though…

PS. Again we are leading within the EU with these numbers…should I consider this as rather positive or not…:thinking:

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@Bas_van_Abel’s Interview mit dem Ö1 Mittagsjournal am 29.6.2018: ORF-Radiothek

Es ist eine kleine Nische und trotzdem ein großes Symbol für ein andere Art von Wirtschaft: das Fairphone, das erste weitgehend umweltfreundlich und sozial gerecht hergestellte Smartphone der Welt. Der Gründer und Geschäftsführer von Fairphone, Bas van Abel, ist für sein Engagement in Wien mit einem Umweltpreis ausgezeichnet worden.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Gigaset producing a 179€ smartphone in Germany

A post was merged into an existing topic: Gigaset producing a 179€ smartphone in Germany

In dem Interview fällt die Zahl 160.000 für die Anzahl von Fairphones. Ich hatte zuletzt immer Schwierigkeiten, genau so eine Zahl zu finden. Und ich meine mich erinnern zu können, letztes Jahr bei der Neu-Gründung des Hamburger Meetups mal Slides von Fairphone gesehen zu haben, wo irgendeine Zahl >200.000 drauf stand.

Gibt es irgendwo eine offizielle Zahl und hab ich die einfach nur übersehen bisher?

Slide 6 of the general Fairphone presentation put together for the FairSwap events originally included an erroneous number of 260000. This was later (September 2017) corrected to a vague 135000.


Trigos Award 2018:


Ah, thanks, so 160.000 Fairphones is the correct number. That way, I can continue to put it into relation to the production capacity of iPhones per day (according to some article is 500.000) whenever there is a discussion about the impact some people expect Fairphone to have on the smartphone industry :wink:


Nice! Congratulations on the success, more to come in the future :slight_smile:

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Durability-wise, iPhones are solid. I mean, no, you cannot replace the hardware yourself as easily, but iOS supports all 64 bit processors used recently. Also, some people want or like iOS. If you look at the iPhone performance though, the most expensive models are tough to beat.

Fairphone’s competition lies in Android; that is where it can improve. And if you look at HMD (Nokia) reborn popularity they also have that in their formula. Midrange smartphones with good battery life and sustainable lifetime are a goldmine because they meet market demand (including the geeksphere), and create brand recognition.

There is so much differentiation that the Dutch website Tweakers today released a best buy guide for smartphones with 5 categories (“without taking price into account”, “best bang for the buck”, “best camera”, “small smartphones”, and “longest battery uptime”. [1]

[1] https://tweakers.net/reviews/6369/smartphone-best-buy-guide-juli-2018.html (in Dutch)

Regardless if we agree with the outcome, it just goes to show how many different use cases and values users have. And they didn’t even discuss certain niches such as firmware support or sturdy phones. Which can be pretty cheap [2] (akin to CAT60 but w/o the thermal camera).

[2] https://www.geekbuying.com/item/Global-Version-Ulefone-Armor-2-6GB-64GB-Smartphone-Dark-Gray-384827.html

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