My FP1 battery is inflating, i could not use it anymore.
I am really disapointed to not found any new battery to buy on the fairphone shop !..
I buy the fairphone because you sell the concept of something durable, and that could be repair.
And now after only 3 year i should throw to trash a fairphone just because the battery breakdown … Its sucks.
I keep my old phone 7 year … What difference between fairphone and other compagny if you follow exactly the same issue.
Why create a fairphone 2 when fairphone 1 already give all option necessary.
Durability, mean possibility to repair, but also to not follow all new technical option. Larger screen; better camera etc… Do we really need them for a better world ?
I feel betrayed.
I bough the fp1 to my wife, and this year i hesitate to buy for me the fp2, but i do not cross the river, because it’s too high-end for the use I make. I do not need all this option and to pay such expensive phone. But well i like the concept of durability, so i could decide to finally buy it.
But now i see that i can throw away the fp1 like any other consumer goods, i will reconsider my position.