I need legal information about 'Cell Broadcast' to request approval for use in PERU.

I understand about the guarantee and support outside the European Union and Taiwan.

However, I would like to import and buy it in Peru from the United States through ‘Mureana - America’.
But before buying, I need to ‘homologate’ in the offices of ‘Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC) of Peru’ .

For homologation in Peru, I must process a application with documents; Among them I require that they provide me in PDF or JPG format.
It is required by the 'customs / aduana ’ of Peru.

Please could you help me by sending a PDF or url, which contains the following information.

  • PDF - url of the ‘Technical Manual’ of the device ‘Fairphone 4’.
  • PDF - url of the certificate or document that consigns the specific absorption rate ‘SAR’ of the ‘Fairphone 4’.
  • PDF - url of Number of ‘TAC’ assigned by the ‘GSMA’ of the ‘Fairphone 4’.
  • PDF - url of Documentation of the ‘Fairphone 4’ manufacturer that proves that it has the functionality of ‘Cell Broadcast’.

PDF model ‘Cell Broadcast’ issued by the company.

Example for ‘Document Xiaomi Device’ Cell Broadcast 'for Peru.

Thank you for reading, I hope you can help me or give me some reference to the legal documents they presented in your country.

Please contact FP support, the forum is a user forum. contactsupport


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