i switched to /e/ some time ago. noticed the mobiledata connection didnt work anymore. i didnt care much since i honestly dont use anything else than wifi and offline all my apps and such, but now i discover new roadblocks in how modern society wants you to interact with the infrastructure and need the 4g to open a mailbox.
exciting stuff, i know.
more details:
- it says its connection but nothing goes through
- 4g icon is there but all apps and browser gets timeout.
- the same goes for 3g and edge.
- the carrier triangle has a little exclamation mark
- ive fiddled with settings on access point names with instructions from carrier support
- they allso say everything looks okay on their end
- im not 100% sure the problem started just after /e/ install
- a few certain apps can go through. fbmessenger gets some messages and pokemmo can play with no problems. good connection too
- i can even download android updates on 4g with ok speed
- when i switch to mobiledata some apps react as if they get a sudden new surge of connection in a few seconds till it reminds itself “oh right. im offline”
is there anyone who may have had the same problem and found a solution?
or maybe someone know how i should troubleshoot this problem?
maybe its a problem i should tell /e/ foundation about?
or is it time to switch for a more reliable carrier company?
i know i went through alot of options after switching, could i have enabled/disabled something i shouldnt have touched? that includes dev options (needed that for the install in the first place)
any help at all will be highly appriciated
(edit: grammar, added detail)