I broke the table of content of #oslists

I added UT for FP5 on the oslist and now the links in the table of content are all broken :sob:
Hope it is easy to fix??

My suspicion: There has been a recent change of brief links within a post. Here’s an example from the OS list with the old way first and the new way second:

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[postmarketOS](https://forum.fairphone.com/t/operating-systems-for-fairphones/11425#postmarketos-45) <ins>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[Ubuntu Touch](https://forum.fairphone.com/t/operating-systems-for-fairphones/11425#p-37863-ubuntu-touch-46)</ins>

The difference is in the insertion of a five-digit term, in the above:
#postmarketos-45 vs. #p-37863-ubuntu-touch-46
Previously those markings worked without such an insertion.

Your @oli.sax edit might have simply been the first edit after this changed in Discourse (most recent edit before yours dates back almost 4 months).


So we can just make a “Replace all” of the /11425# string to /11425#p-37863- and solve the whole table?

No, that five-digit thing should vary between the links. I am not sure about any easy fix. I think edits can be reversed with the tools to a previous state, but even then I am not sure if the current Discourse version will then simply accept the old code.

Guess it is the same string…
You can see all links to chapters by putting your mouse before it :slight_smile:


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I reverted to the last revision befor Ollis update and I think Urs is correct with thr assumption that its still broken.


Seems it’s ok now :smiley:


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