How to upgrade (sideload) from Android 11 0023.0 to 8901.4.A.0025.0

I explained you why and you didnt answer my question and accusing the forum=user again for being silent…

No one will confirm such, as again, we are user, no staff.

Well, sorry for that I was not intending to target any particular user, just the lack of support in general. I was very frustrated by the lack of support from Fairphone, and I was assuming that the company had a few staff (marked as Angels) around on this forum. Apparently that is not the case.

Anyway I have finally succeeded updating to 0025 and then to 0026 with the files linked by @TeamB58


So you simply used the method described under OTA Sideload in the support article you linked in your OP, step by step, twice (once for each file) and it all worked fine w/o data loss, correct ?

Yes, just followed the guide twice, no data loss.
I had to press another time the volume up + power button in the bootloader to reach the menu, as in the description but apart from that everything went as described.
I am using Linux, so I had to install ADB manually. For Win and Mac I believe ADB is in the zip file.

Just to update you all, 4.A.0027.1 is released and support page is now updated. A full OTA file is also now available that can be used to sideload from any previous Android 11 version.


waiting for someone to report success or failure before I attempt on my wife’s and my own devices :smile: … you never know :thinking:

I attempted the Sideload process.
There must be a problem with the content of the sideload_update batch file on Windows:
This bat file says "start bin-msys\git-bash.exe -c “./sideload_update.command”
but in .\bin-msys, there is no git-bash.exe file, but there’s a PortableGit- file.
Can someone please clarify what I should do before attempting something I may regret ?
Should I simply extract in place the 7z file with all its content and subdirectories ???
Oher gotchas or misplaced files I should know before proceeding on Windows ?

a little confirmation would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Not sure, I was using Linux. But you could install ADB (Android development tools) and simply use that.