How to turn off the Screen lock after activating it?

While discovering how my Fairphone works I actived the screen lock with a pin.
Does anybody knows how to deactive the screen lock?

At System settings -> Security -> Screen lock I can see that I must use PIN to unlock,
because this is how I activated the screen lock.
Now I want to know how to de-active the screen lock, so it won’t ask for my PIN again.
It automatically locks the Fairphone when I turn off the display by just touching the on/off button (so the Fairphone is still working).

The answer from @Chris_R:

You remove the unlock pin in the same way as you added it.

  • Go to System settings
  • Go to Security
  • Go to Screen lock
  • Enter the pin you set
  • Select the option called None (or another method of security if you prefer)

This question was originally placed on the old forum screen lock

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