How to treat non-English topics

Oh no! the flags all have new codes now. We’ll have to rename all non-english topics!


…but unfortunately no extended flag set yet!
(and as a result the :nl: and :se: flags that were custom set still remain valid with the old code)


Well I think I renamed all of them…


I have to say that while originally I found the round symbols cuter, I now find them much tougher to “read” and generally a significant deterioration in visual clarity.

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Now the flag codes are fully chaotic. We have to use :flag_de: for :flag_de:, but :se: for :se:. How should one remember that?

I’m sure @Douwe can easily change the code of the flags he added manually to match the other codes. Let’s just hope that Discourse won’t change the codes back again.

Interestingly, it appears that the emoji codes were only broken in post titles. E…g the posts in this topic still render the old flag emojis using the old code.

Yeah until you edit them in any way.