Hi, can anybody tell me how to create a signature “promoting” Fairphone. I know this topic was talked about in 2015, but I don’t know how to set up such a signature. I think it’s a nice way to spread the word and - yes - I like to boast about how great a product Fairphone is Thanks in advance!
For reference: Idea: Use a "Sent from my fairphone" email signature
In your email App of choice there will be settings for your email account (or for various accounts if you have more than one).
Usually the signature can be set in these account settings in the email App.
I don’t want to be the killjoy but when these signatures came up (mostly from Apple and Samsung phones) that could be either considered as excuse for the crippled language that was used in these e-mails or it showed the inability of the users to switch this off. Although I understand that you want to spread the word with this you should keep this in mind.
Thank you! I thinl I got it.
thanks for the link, it works now
I struggled to change the link on my phone, even using HTML, so it would link from the “Fairphone” word.
I had to copy it into Word, edit it, then copy and paste back into the signature. I’m not sure if copying and pasting the following will work (I copied and pasted this from my signature):
Sent from my Fairphone2
Luckily I don’t have judgemental friends
Word of warning, though. If you’re searching for emails from Fairphone it does make it a bit more difficult - you have to be more specific with your search!
Edit: Apologies, other language speakers will have to do their own link in Word. Maybe if you do, you could then copy and paste it here to save others time?
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