How can a search inside my .txt-files?
cat file.txt | grep "Search"
Seriously, you’ll have to provide more information about your problem.
Open the txt file in a browser and then “search in site”.
Open the file with Amaze, presinstalled on FP Open, and then use the search function in the toolbar.
OK, das heißt, ich müsste ein Comandline- Tool installieren. Geht das ohne root?
Nachdem mein Wunsch ist alle Textdateien innerhalb eines Ordners zu durchsuchen, müsste ich vermutlich
cat [Pfad zum Ordner]*.txt | grep “Search”
verwenden, oder?
My German is limited, I stopped learning at the “danke means thank you” lesson,
Puedo contestar en español si lo prefieres, pero en deferencia al resto de lectores internacionales del foro tratemos de hablar en inglés,
(I can reply you in Spanish, but out of respect for other international forum readers, let’s try to speak English here, )
wtf ??
$ grep word file
$ man grep
The search feature of the Amaze Text Editor crashes Amaze on my FP1…
Should work without root.[quote=“Subhash, post:5, topic:23215”]
cat [Pfad zum Ordner]*.txt | grep “Search”
Exactly[quote=“jacko, post:8, topic:23215”]
grep word file
I am aware of that, but since I’m accustomed with grep
ping on more complex tasks, I use the above syntax. However, grep "Search" /path/to/txt/*.txt
should work similar.
Cool down a bit, there is always more than one way.
I totally agree with @Roboe: We should use english here!
Thanks for the tips! I succeeded in searching multiple files with command line but this solution is very uncomfortable. Is there another possibility to search in several files at the same time?
There’s probably an App for that. For example, f-droid lists this (old(er) screenshot), which might be what you mean by comfortable… (disclaimer: I’ve never tried this app)
That is quite fine. Only filenames are not searched too which would be great.
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