How to install Fairphone Open OS on Fairphone 2


Because I don’t accept the general condition and privacy policy of google, I’m looking for a downloud a complete binary open fairephone os version

I have downloud the and flah it qith flash-for-mac.command file fir nac oa to my fairephone 2 but my fairephone show in loop Fairwphone change in your hands

Note When i had the fqirephone ow installed and I have try to flash open fairephone os the fqirephone shown “Mise à jour d’android” and then in loop “Préparations des paramètre” (I’m not shur)

Could you help me to install a complete open fairephone os on my fairephone 2 ?

Thanks for your support

Best regards


To switch to Open OS you’ll need the Build Switcher (

Scroll down a bit further on this site.

Also …

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