How to charge a FP3 / How bad can this get?

So I started a previous question because my current FP2 stopped recognising its SD Card. I figure I’ll try repair that, but in case it goes wrong, probably likely, I should have a replacement phone. So I ordered up a FP3. That new phone, ordered direct from Fairphone, was sent to the wrong country! maybe I should look on the positive side and say that at least it was in the continent I’m in. Normally that might not have been a big problem but in the middle of a global pandemic and lockdowns, it was a bit of an issue. So yesterday, weeks after the order was placed, I finally managed to get my phone relocated from another country to me.

Things were looking up until I opened up the box and found that a USB C connector on the phone. The world has moved on. I’d no USB C cable to charge the phone so we had to wait another day. So today I borrowed a USB C cable and plugged the phone into a wall charger which could supply 2.1 A at 5V so about 10W, maybe nothing to write home about, but it’s 10W. You could do a lot of things with 10W. One of the things you cannot do with 10W is charge a FP3 it seems. All that will happen to a powered off FP3 with 10W is that you get it to vibrate periodically, maybe every couple of minutes, annoyingly. You might think that given the periodic vibration that the phone is happily soaking up 10W and charging a battery. Well after 3 hours the phone has gone from 38% charge to 38% charge. So 10W for three hours = zero. The laws of Physics have to be rewritten. Energy, it turns out, can be destroyed.

So now here I am on the Internet trying to figure out how you charge a FP3. The instructions seemed to suggest that you just plug it into a charger to charge it but that’s not exactly true. So what do I need to do to charge a phone. Do I need more Watts? What’s the lower limit? If I wanted to charge the phone over night in say 8 hours what kinda Energy would I need?

Hi Looks like an issue with the phone contact support immediately via to notify of the problem as you have 14 days from receipt to send it back for a refund with no explanation after that only a replacement etc.

I use a similar charger 12V to 5V converter and 2.4A output, and had a similar problem as you initially but now charges at about 1% per 3 min. Please see my topic on this issue.

Also may be of some use is

Why do you switch the phone off to charge it? The initial current to start it may be to much for the charger.
I had no problems until now to charge my FP3, doesn’t matter which charger I used. Best results of course with a QC3 compatible charger, for example the Ugreen 20W. But also the original 20W Apple plug works perfectly.
It can also be a cable problem, as phone and charger have to communicate to negotiate the correct voltage and current, if that doesn’t work, only 500mA might be delivered.

For that you should be able to use a USBA to USBC from any computer port proving 0.5A

0.5A for 8 hours is 4Ah @ 5v ~ the phone battery require 3Ah @4.4V excluding losses ~ see the second link in my previous post

I agree that it sounds like a problem with the cable.

Do you know if the cable is IF-certified? That’s very much recommended.
EDIT: you might e.g. have a look at this topic: Not every USB-C cable will work with FP3


If the cable can transfer power to another device it is probably OK for a slow charge to the FP3 so ensure it works elsewhere.

Phone actually arrived powered off.

I’ll try get another cable, but even if the cable is dumb it should charge at 500mA?

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If it’s the wrong cable, charging can be unbelievably slow. Blame everybody involved in USB spec compliance, I guess.
On the positive side, I found my Fairphone 3 to be very tolerant when it comes to chargers … Charging speed problems? Use USB-IF certified cables!


Of course, but you switched it on, so you could see the 38% charging status.


This “unbelievably slow” charging is not what you would expect from a 0.5A-5V power source. It’s rather a failed charging negotiation or at best that the input current is used to power the phone directly. Just like you, with my first charge experience on a FP3 I didn’t get any progress at all over hours due to an incompatible cable. Don’t know what Huawei manages differently, but unfortunately a working charger with another phone company is no indicator it will work with the FP3. I feel chances rise if both use Qualcomm.
Charging percentage can be reviewed without powered on phone tbh :wink: at least whilst it is connected with charger.

I had the same issue with my phone. I borrowed a cable from my neighbour and the phone didn’t charge at all. Contacted support and I have got a reply among other things stating that a Super cherger cable does not work. So I went back to the neighbour and he said: : “Strange with my Huawei Fast Charger the cable is working fine.” So I got another cable and charging was OK.
Also see: Charge your FP3/FP3+ – Support at the end of the page.

Maybe you would give some detail
a) What cable did you get and
b) Exactly what are you referring to on the page you link to

Thanks for your update

Hi there,
I assumed the same thing you did: bought the phone without charger and cable and only when it arrived found out I needed USB-C and a regular charger wouldn’t work.
My old phone chargers (Samsung, Apple) did not work at all. My IPad Charger and a generic store bought extra charger sort of worked, but very, very slowly - phone needed all night to charge all the way. So I finally gave in and bought the FP charger, now it’s fully charged within 2 hours.

Next problem: cable. FP had none available, so I bought a generic Multi-purpose cable with three different plugs in a supermarket - lucky me, it worked. Bought another one for my daughter (different brand, multi-purpose again) - no can do. The third one works again. Can’t see a reason why this is so, but at least we have two working cables now.

So, all I can say is… i think you actually do have to get the FP charger and if possible their cable…

Got sorted over the weekend. I know USB cables can be a mine field but the one I borrowed to get me started would not charge at all. Even though the phone was happy that it was connected to power. I was just enough power connected to register, but not to charge. I’m now up and running with a better USB cable. Might have to upgrade to another charger at some point but for the moment I’m charging :wink:


Hi the best cables are IF approved usbC which means they are wired to take data. The the phone communicates with the charger, if it cannot it charges slowly just to be safe.

Fast chargers can provide 20V compared to the standard 5V from general chargers and computer usbA.

this is exactly my problem. after 4 months trying different tactics and randomly charging or not. its going back. its such a disappointment. but a small social enterprise is never going to be able to act like a global telecomms operation. we should have known that. I should say that for the first year it charged fine on any cable and any plug. then it stopped and became a rarer and rarer event. It would have been nice if fairphone asked for it to return in the first place 4 months ago. but also even nicer if they sent a new charging unit. don’t bother trying new battery or special fairphone cable and plug. made no difference.

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Thanks for your input. It seems there is a serious software issue if it worked for a year. However \you can still send it for a repair/ replacement as the two year warranty is still valid

a) The cable I bought was the following: BELKIN 2.0 USB-A to USB-C Charge Cable kopen? | MediaMarkt
b) The first point after the last heading: For example, Supercharge USB-C cables are NOT compatible with the FP3/FP3+

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Since it seems the charger may also be an issue, I use a Lidl USB wall outlet charger from Silver Crest 3400 mA with 2 USB A and a 220V output. On the sticker it also indicates:
ROW! Electronics GmbH Augartenstr. 3,
76698 Ubstadt-Weiher Germany

They seem not to be compatible with other USB-C phone either, I couldn’t manage to charge a Pixel 4a with a Huawei supercharge compatible cable.