Hi @eekological
I guess one can become quite scared if one reads through this forum. But keep in mind, people only come here to report their problems. Once the phone works, people don’t even look at the forum anymore. There are hundrets of different post here; all stating another problem. And I can assure you, that I only encountered problems mentioned in about 10 posts. For example my internet is working perfectly and I always have service on the phone (I didn’t even know that people have reported such problems).
I have my fairphone for about 6 months now and most of the time I am quite happy with it. I encountered minor problems (the phone doesn’t charge with some charges, at low brightness the screen flickers, sometimes the proximity sensor doesn’t work properly and the phone stays black during or after calls). However, three days ago my phone suddenly crashed out of nowhere and since then I can not turn it on at all.
Eventhough my phone isn’t working at all, I am still a fan of fairphone. However, every now and then a problem arises and that can be really annoying. So far I allways could find a solution for my problems. The forum here is really great and there are many people out there trying to help. Furthermore the support team is technically really good. Once you reach their attentention they try to help and are really tolerant with replacements. But nevertheless, there are these problems and you have to invest some time to figure out the problem and to find other people with same problems. And that is the reason why once in a while, I whish for another phone.
I really like the idea behind fairphone and for me that was the only reason why I bought the phone. I use the phone only for some messengers and to read the newspaper on the way. I could have bought a much cheaper smartphone fulfilling these little needs, but for me it was more important to support fairphone as a company.
I guess it’s important what matters most for you. For me, the only reason to buy a fairphone at the moment, is because of their philosophy. And if you go for it, you can expect a moderate phone that fulfills all basic needs and that works most of the time. However, you should be prepared, that you might encounter some problems on the way and that there might be some minor problems (as a misbehaving proximity sensor), you’ll just have to live with. You have to be prepared to be a bit patient with fairphone as a company and with your phone.
If you are looking for a phone that simply works 100%. If you want to never ever look at that forum again, because everything just works as it should right from the moment you receive the phone, to be honest, I woulnd’t recomend you to buy a fairphone right now. In that case I would go for another (maybe seconhand) phone and wait until fairphone fixed all their present troubles.