How long do you plan on keeping your Fairphone?

There is a topic perfectly suited for that discussion about Android Updates and it is conveniently named Are Android Updates really important …. Disclaimer: I have a personal opinion on that topic ;-).

I think is is perfectly fine to discuss that topic there, if there is still a need to do it (i feel tempted currently), but please keep a friendly and understanding tone. We all can disagree and it think it is ok to discuss as long as it is at right place and not disrespectful.

Back to the topic: I think it is great to hear everybody wants to use his/her phone as long as possible. And it is quite interesting to hear the reasons people suspect to interfere with that plans. I think: These worries are to be taken serious and not - this is the last thing i want to say on this fight here - to be disregarded as “fashion effect” important for “young consumers” that otherwise would be “pissed off”,

I think we should not judge these ideas and worries. Time will tell if the fair phones last as long as we hope for. In the meantime, i would like this topic to be open for everyone and i repeat, nobody here should be judged by his thoughts on this topic.

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