How do I delete sms linked to home surface


I linked one sms to the home surface of my phone. I wanted to have a fast access to an information in the sms. Now I tried to find a way to delete the link but could not find it. Even if I delete the sms, the link is still on the surface. Does anybody know how I can delete it? Thanks!

Can you swipe the link to the top of your phone?

No, I cannot move the link.

What if you tap long on the link?

For the one link where I deleted the sms, a new message opens (just with the number) and I can write a smsm
For the link where I did not deleted the smsm, the whole sms conversation with the person opens and I can read/write to the number.

Apparently you created a shortcut.
Tap on the link, till on top of your screen you can see the word ‘Remove’, then swipe the link to the top of the screen. Does that help?

Yes, thank you. It worked.

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