That’s sooooo LOL! XD
And the worst part is that it worked for me as well; many thanks!
A bit of context:
Before reading this… solution, I’ve read this post, which explains how Google has surrendered to the “carriers” (T-mobile, Vodafone, etc.) so that it let’s them “specify which type of APNs are user configurable”. This is because it seems that some carriers have a limit on the amount of data one can tether, and this same solution can be used to bypass it. So now many carriers don’t allow the users to add “,dun” in the list of APN protocols to avoid them bypassing this limit. So, when I read about this solution I was sure it wouldn’t work. But it was easy enough to try. So I did. And it worked XD
Now bets are open: was someone in Google very clumsy or did s/he troll the carriers?
I find this story very amusing!