[quote=“MichaelFP1, post:61, topic:7032”]
I am a USER of the FP1 and dont want to work myself into becomming a programmer. - Guess, that’s why Apple exists[/quote]
There is only this unofficial port (using unofficial sources) for 4.4.4 here in the forum right now. That’s all we FP1 users have.
I guess there will be an official 4.4.4 some day in the future. I heard about this a few times and it sounded like “soon”.
You don’t need to be a programmer to upgrade the phone. You “only” need to find a way to talk to your phone using your computer.
I know this all sounds like stockholm syndrome but that’s all there is right now.
Just remember that apple employs a few more people for mostly everything and they do everything “themselves”. FP just sells OEM phones, with a few people and just with standard soft- and hardware, but partly made from “better” sources. That’s their selling point.
The only thing that works right now will be waiting, trying it yourself or buying just another phone. I don’t think you have to wait much longer but maybe that just me.