Hide the Clock on my Fairphone


Is there any way I can hide the clock on my Fairphone 2? I don’t mean the widget, I mean hide it on the status bar.

I’ve tried using the User Interface Tuner but there is no option to hide the clock on the status bar. There are many things I can choose to hide or display on the status bar, just not the clock.

Also, I’ve seen that there are apps like Gravity Box that I could use for this, but I’ve tried downloading it and although it does download and install itself, apparently, I can’t open it. It doesn’t appear in the applications menu and I when I try to open it from Play Store I can’t. It just says if I want to be reimbursed for the purchase, but doesn’t give me the option to open it.

Could somebody please help me out?

Thanks :slight_smile:

On Lineage OS you can. Don’t know if it’s a Lineage or Android 8 feature though.

did you flash the Xposed.zip file aswell and rooted your phone? You need to do this to get Xposed to work.
You need to download the correct .zip file. Check herefor the correct version. If you use FP Android 6 it will be SDK 23 arm.
Then boot into recovery (Power + Vol. Up) and flash the .zip file. Then the app should work. With Gravity Box you can then hide the clock in the status bar.

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It must be a Lineage feature, because I have Android 8 and it doesn’t appear… Thanks for answering :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help. I didn’t do any of those things. In fact, I don’t really understand some of those verbs or nouns, I think it’s all a bit over my head. I’ll just make do with the clock I think, it sounds a bit too intimidating for me. I wish it were simpler, it doesn’t seem like a hard thing to include, just masking the clock. Anyway, thank you very much for trying to help :slight_smile:

How did you get Android 8 on your Fairphone without Lineage OS?


I don’t know, maybe I do have Lineage then. What I meant is that my OS has upgraded to Android 8 but I still don’t have the option of hiding the clock. You seem to imply it is automatic if you have Android 8. Or am I misunderstanding you?

I’m sorry for taking so long to reply, by the way. I really appreciate you trying to help me out, it’s just I haven’t had much access to the internet.

The recent upgrade which you got automatically went to Android 7. If you don’t recall installing another operating system manually, you’ll be on 7.

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