Hello FP-Team, please take a look at my FP2 cover

Hello, after 1 year and 2 months of usage of my FP2 cover looks now this way:

For this short period of usage I am not very satisfied with my FP2 and I really don’t want to spend another 30,-- Euros just for a FP2 cover which starts to gets broken after 10 months.
Would be glad if the FP-Team can offer me a solution.
Kind regards,

Please have a look at this thread (it also answers your question):


Hey @Reinhold_Schertler,

Welcome to the community forum where you can get help from community members.
For your request you’ll need to file an official support request. You can do so here: https://frphn.co/gethelp

Chances are high your cover will be replaced free of charge under warranty.



Follow Fairphone’s troubleshooting tool to get up-to-date instructions on how to troubleshoot your issue and how to make any support requests as smooth as possible.

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