I’d recommend to ask via contactsupport .
Same issue here.
Snapped one side mi august, replaced the part, snapped again the replaced part last week.
Going to replace again, but this time I’m going to find the time to draw up the part back in CAD and try to print a replacement in resin to see what can be done to make it stronger.
Will keep the forum updated.
It’s a bit concerning to see this thread be revived again. Because I recall Fairphone said they’ve already sold through the weak plastic batch, and all new headphones and replacement parts should be the revised stronger plastic.
I got mine in May. Still fine so far. But I’m gonna become a bit paranoid about it.
I had one of mine snap in September, for a Black Fairbuds XL I brought in July (admittedly from a reseller, so may have sat on a shelf for months…)
Within 2 weeks they had shipped me a pair of replacement brackets, and judging by the cracks appearing in the second original bracket now that was probably the right call for them Vs just shipping me 1 and having a second support call and shipping bill a few months later.
I might pre-emptively swap out the other old one now before it fully snaps…
I bought the green Fairbuds XL less than a year ago (*edit I just checked and it was June of this year) and the arm just snapped for the third time. I’ve heard that there was a problem with the recycled plastic and the green dye. Is this also an issue with the black version as well? I’d put up with the mismatch black arms/green body if they won’t snap every two or three months.
Thanks in advance.
Hey, just to be sure, I hope you’re using the warranty for a free repair every time instead of rebuying it yourself, right?
No problems with my black Fairbuds XL so far. Using them for a year almost every day. They’re always in my backpack which is not treated very nicely most of the time.
Yep. The customer service has been good every time, it’s just annoying. I’d even buy third party arms if they were available and robust.
Thanks. Mentioned I’d be willing to accept black arms in my ticket. We’ll see what happens next.
Merged your topic with the above
I’ve had this happen to my Fairbuds XL twice now, and exactly in this spot. I think there is a design flaw that causes this.
Hi all,
my green ones are replaced february last year and since then, they are not snapped.
Hope they last much longer, but it seems they solved the problem.
Bump. Same thing happened with my Fairbuds XLs. Going through warranty now, here’s hope the replacement parts fix it… Both of the sides just snapped one day. Frustrating! These are the best headphones I’ve had so far, been really enjoying them.