GPS fix takes very long after update (with e.g. and GPSTest)

GPS status is also a good app to check signal strength and link of the satellites. It is capable of managing A-GPS data and in my opinion only the display of the satellite time is missing.

Because I rarely use GPS I just did a check. Standing at the window of a room inside the building I first refreshed A-GPS data and switched on position, and after less than a minute I got a link to more than 7 satellites, after 2 minutes to more than 15. Software-version build FP4.TP2N.C.0128.20241030
@Roel So it might be a question of signal strength in your case, maybe you can check it with GPS status



It is still available in the Playstore just doesnā€™t show up when searching for it for some reason :man_shrugging:

The latest commit is from last week so thankfully still maintained as well :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks! weird it does not show up in a searchā€¦
The result for me is the same though, on a parking lot with lots of clear sky, case and cover removed I still had no signal (as in the screenshot I shared before).
I tried putting some pressure on the connectors but did not feel or see anything move. It all looks snug in there.
I am now indoor again, and while looking at GPSTest (without the space in the name) the result is still the same. I got a 28.8% SNR on a Glonass satelite for a fraction of a minute. I now see it happen again.
Iā€™ve tried PSDS and time injection, but did not see an effect of thatā€¦

Did you reboot after that? :thinking:

Iā€™m currently indoors (top floor right under the roof however) and I get a TTFF of 2 - 7s with plenty of different satelites ā€œin sightā€.
If your reception doesnā€™t improve Iā€™d suggest to contactsupport, might be a hardware issue after all.


I rebooted, then waited a bit, and now I do get a fix.
What precisely is PSDS / time injection? and how often is reasonable to do this?
On my commute home I will evaluate the performance again; hope it stays working.
Thanks for the help so far!

Assistance data that helps GPS to get a fix faster. You should only have to do that once.
Clearing assist data and letting the device figure it out itself is another option you can try if you have problems again.

The whole GPS stack seems to only respond to a certain kind of tech voodoo for some people, no idea why :see_no_evil:

Bending the contacts made a difference for my FP4, GPS started working reliably again.

Somewhere in this Thread is a picture where to find the relevant contacts.


when I was looking at the contact surfaces at the housing of my FP4 I had the impression that there was a little bit stain on it. I first rubbed the surfaces of the housing with a little piece of rubber and afterwards cleaned it with these cotton-tipped little sticks and alcohol. Just bending the contact springs might be only half of the job :thinking:


Over the last days, navigation kept working as hoped :smiley:
Thank you all for your help and suggestions!

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Yesterday I had to redo the PSDS/time injection and reboot :frowning:
I was still able to see on which motorway I was driving, but the navigation could not tell me where to pick which lane, so that is not enough.
Is there something else I could look at? For this site I get the impression there is no such thing as a GPS module that can be replaced: Spare parts for your Fairphone, discover them here



I noticed, with all the fixes that have rolled out, that the gps position fix is pretty fast, if Iā€™m out in the open. But if Iā€™m in a moving car or train, getting a fix is nearly impossible.

I am know running FP4 with CalyxOS 5.14.2 and the latest microG and generally the GPS signal works much better, so I suspect it was mostly software bugs than hardware in my case.

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