GPS broken, no icon shown

Since the last update with Android 10 my GPS seems to be broken. I can just get no location.


Of course, I do have the location services enabled, I usually have the Google mobile/wifi search disabled, but even if I enable it nothing happens. All apps always search for a signal, but get none.
Furthermore no icon (for the location) is displayed in the top menu. (IIRC there was a bug some time before where it was always displayed though.)
Also I have to say that I’ve used/tested the Private Location before, but I’ve disabled location spoofing in the developer options for testing now.

I even tested it with the “Service menu” in the developer options. Go to settings -> developer options -> Service menu -> Test single -> GPS.

I’ve also checked the logcat log, but noticed nothiing special in there.
It all seems to work with lines like these:

01-11 00:03:44.416  1441 11826 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.arima.servicemenu/.GPS} from uid 1000
01-11 00:03:44.433  1441 11826 I ActivityTaskManager: The Process com.arima.servicemenu Already Exists in BG. So sending its PID: 23910
01-11 00:03:45.876  1441  3225 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {cmp=com.arima.servicemenu/.GPS_Location_Test (has extras)} from uid 1000
01-11 00:03:45.887  1441  3225 I ActivityTaskManager: The Process com.arima.servicemenu Already Exists in BG. So sending its PID: 23910
01-11 00:03:48.155  1441 11826 D NotificationService: ledNotification: null , isInCall: false , mScreenOn: true
01-11 00:12:47.873  1441  3214 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {cmp=com.arima.servicemenu/.GPS_Location_Test (has extras)} from uid 1000
01-11 00:12:47.889  1441 11826 I ActivityTaskManager: The Process com.arima.servicemenu Already Exists in BG. So sending its PID: 23910
01-11 00:12:53.194  1441 20157 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10230/12085 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=542, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10230] ]
01-11 00:12:53.627  1441  1735 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=542, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10230] ] (release request)
01-11 00:13:01.434  1441  1527 W BroadcastQueue: u0 Receiving a broadcast in packagebe.uhasselt.privacypolice requires a permissions review
01-11 00:13:53.657  1441 19459 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10230/12085 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=543, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10230] ]
01-11 00:13:54.134  1441  1735 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=543, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10230] ] (release request)
01-11 00:14:08.857  1441  1527 W BroadcastQueue: u0 Receiving a broadcast in packagebe.uhasselt.privacypolice requires a permissions review
01-11 00:14:16.827  1441 19459 E NotificationService: Suppressing notification from package by user request.
01-11 00:14:18.850  1441  1937 W ActivityTaskManager: Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{b95b6e5 u0 com.arima.servicemenu/.GPS_Location_Test t20893 f}
01-11 00:14:19.620  1441  1937 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {cmp=com.arima.servicemenu/.GPS_Location_Test (has extras)} from uid 1000
01-11 00:14:19.633  1441  1937 I ActivityTaskManager: The Process com.arima.servicemenu Already Exists in BG. So sending its PID: 23910
01-11 00:14:29.402  1441  1528 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider {}
01-11 00:14:34.547  1441  1533 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
01-11 00:14:36.095  1441 19459 W ActivityTaskManager: Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{6ead15 u0 com.arima.servicemenu/.GPS_Location_Test t20893 f}
01-11 00:17:11.570  1441  8546 W ActivityTaskManager: Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{7b60c0e u0 com.arima.servicemenu/.GPS_Location_Test t20893 f}
01-11 00:17:11.571 23910 23910 D GPS_Location_Test: onPause
01-11 00:17:11.572 23910 23910 D GPS_Location_Test: unRegister
01-11 00:17:11.576  1784  2194 I chatty  : uid=10048( Binder:1784_4 expire 1 line
01-11 00:17:11.577  1784  1784 I chatty  : uid=10048( expire 20 lines
01-11 00:17:11.581 23910 23910 I GPS     : resultCode:0
01-11 00:17:12.062 23910 23910 I GPS_Location_Test: onDestroy, mGpsSwitch = false
01-11 00:18:33.653 23910 23910 I GPS_Settings: onPause
01-11 00:18:33.657  1784  1807 D KeyguardViewMediator: setOccluded true
01-11 00:18:33.662 23910 23910 I GPS     : resultCode:-1
01-11 00:18:33.662 23910 23910 I GPS     : onActivityResult 2
01-11 00:18:33.662 23910 23910 I GPS     : minute:10
01-11 00:18:33.662 23910 23910 I GPS     : second:0
01-11 00:18:30.256   468   468 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.0::IServicetracker/default in either framework or device manifest.
01-11 00:18:30.535  1898  4113 I DPMJ    : |REQ:RCVR| DPM creating socket
01-11 00:18:31.794 23910 23910 I GPS     : 1
01-11 00:18:31.797  1441 17642 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {cmp=com.arima.servicemenu/.GPS_Settings (has extras)} from uid 1000

Build 8901.3.A0066.20201119

Though I also have no idea how the “Service menu” test should look like? It just shows me a blank screen.
In the GPS settings the timeout is set to 1:0 (minute), but even after that time, it also displays no fail result or so. It’s just blank.

Here the settings screen:

Also opened a support ticket at Fairphone.

This seems to be fixed with the update to 8901.3.A.0077.20200121.

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I’m running the E/OS clone of Android 9, and my GPS stopped working too. What is this update you mention and how do I get it? Aren’t updates automatic?

It was a Fairphone OS update, and while you will of course not get a Fairphone OS update while running /e/, fixes in basic components which apply to /e/, too, will make their way into /e/ updates, albeit with a certain delay.

Updates within an Android version are automatic, upgrades to the next major Android version are not … yet. They are working on enabling the automatic updater to handle that, too.
Until /e/ stop to support Android 9 you will still get automatic updates for it, but upgrading /e/ to Android 10 is a manual process for now … Android Q upgrade for FP3.

Does the problem persist if you turn the phone off (not only reboot, real power down) and on again?

What does “stopped working” mean? Does it “only” take a long time (up to several minutes) to get a GPS fix outdoors, or will there be no fix at all anymore? Does the system still see GPS satellites (e.g. in an App like SatStat or GPSTest)?


There is no GPS icon to turn it on or off in the settings and neither magic maps nor the google maps were getting a position update and I appeared to be stuck at a junction 4km away.

However when I installed SatStat it did get a position eventually and it started working on the magic maps too! I didn’t try Google Maps as they won’t let me update without Google playstore, and that refuses to work on /e/ There is still no icon in the settings to turn GPS on and off and I wonder if it had simply got turned off somehow.

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If you go to the app Settings
Go to Location
Is Location on?
What is the setting of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth scanning?

If you swipe at your home screen down and again swipe down, do you see then the icon of Location? If not, tap on the pencil at the left and look if it is there.
When you see it, swipe the Location icon upwards.

Every time I switch the phone back on I have to run SatStat before GPS will get my location. There is no indication on the settings of any GPS. Here are the screen shots if the settings:

Tap the :pencil2: on the bottom of the menu, its in your screenshots.
From there you can add and remove icons or reset it with the 3 dots menu top right.


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