Got also ghost inputs -.-
somtimes the problem can be triggered by knocking on the back of the device… so i could get some logcat output… mainly these two messages are displayed:
I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=9222227043626ms; Flags=0, FrameTimelineVsyncId=13195876, IntendedVsync=1144993216635316, Vsync=1144993216635316, InputEventId=1072054124, HandleInputStart=1144993232648529, AnimationStart=1144993232846186, PerformTraversalsStart=1144993232861550, DrawStart=1144993233243686, FrameDeadline=1144993249968648, FrameInterval=1144993232641134, FrameStartTime=16666666, SyncQueued=1144993233511863, SyncStart=1144993244738686, IssueDrawCommandsStart=1144993245925404, SwapBuffers=1144993259628842, FrameCompleted=9223372036854775807, DequeueBufferDuration=5826302, QueueBufferDuration=794792, GpuCompleted=9223372036854775807, SwapBuffersCompleted=1144993261164884, DisplayPresentTime=0,
The ms are great 292 years >.<
I get this Message every time when i touch the screen… So it just might be a result of the ghost touch event
This is the other one… which might be more relevant…
W InputReader: Received unexpected event (0x35, 0x226) for slot 1 with tracking id 29871
W InputReader: Received unexpected event (0x36, 0x75e) for slot 1 with tracking id 29871
W InputReader: Received unexpected event (0x35, 0x224) for slot 0 with tracking id 29877
W InputReader: Received unexpected event (0x36, 0x580) for slot 0 with tracking id 29877
W InputReader: Received unexpected event (0x35, 0x222) for slot 2 with tracking id 29874
W InputReader: Received unexpected event (0x36, 0x308) for slot 2 with tracking id 29874
W InputReader: Received unexpected event (0x35, 0x21f) for slot 0 with tracking id 29881
W InputReader: Received unexpected event (0x36, 0x1c9) for slot 0 with tracking id 29881
W InputReader: Received unexpected event (0x35, 0x223) for slot 2 with tracking id 29882
W InputReader: Received unexpected event (0x36, 0x294) for slot 2 with tracking id 29882
W InputReader: Received unexpected event (0x35, 0x21e) for slot 2 with tracking id 29884
W InputReader: Received unexpected event (0x36, 0x103) for slot 2 with tracking id 29884
Anyone has the same logs?
People without this problem does the Davey! message also show for you?