Ghost inputs on FP4

Regrettably, I had some recent spurious center-line inputs spontaneously initiate a call to my local police department - leading to an uncomfortable conversation. In the unlock screen there is an “Emergency” button near the bottom center - is there a way to configure the unlock screen so the “Emergency” button does not fall in the path of these kind of ghost inputs?

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And support is as supportive as with any other far east very big country…
Received an email confirming my support request, no other contact until another email asking me to rate the support.
Have a motorola G4 that the screen still works fine.
Have a sony xa2 that had to replace the screen after it broke but touch screen still works fine. Also had a sony s3c that had no issues until I bricked it when trying to upgrade it to android 11.
Have some even older phones with screens that still works fine (HTC desire, remember those?).
Have a fp4, after 2 years screen doesn’t work and getting support is looking like it’s going to be a hill climb. Oh well. :frowning:

So I didn’t have this on the original screen. A replacement due to screen breaking had this issue. Support replaced the screen module for me and it works fine now. They mentioned there can be incompatibility issues between some ages of screen module and some handsets…

I am hardly noticing ghost touches now. I think something might be on the updates or maybe it dropped and started fixing itself.

Build number:

So it’s been 3 months with my replacement screen that I bought from I might have had one instance of short ghost touches but I can’t be sure. So at least that isn’t a problem again yet.

What is a big problem though is how insensitive the touchscreen is. I regularly cannot swipe up to unlock the phone. Like 5-10 attempts and it just won’t unlock. Other times I fail to press the right things on the screen and fail to pinch to zoom.

Feeling pretty annoyed at this device. Probably going to get rid of it for something else. I am pretty sure it’s not going to be a FP5.


Started getting ghost inputs a few weeks ago now, I think.

What I understand from not reading all 700 comments is that there may be something odd with the OS, but most people have issues either with a dirty connector, a faulty connector, or a faulty screen.
Correct me if I am wrong! :smiley:
I’ll try the cleaning strategy at some point next week :slight_smile:

Found this on reddit. what are other opinion about this?

I moved it here. Isnt that what others described here just not using toiletpaper but foam stickers?

it is… ^^
quite interesting this fix pops up after a year again.
i did the cleaning and reseating a year ago and it worked. the user who posted this fix now reported the ghost touches came back after a while.

Hey guys, I have the same problem here and got a screen replacement for free which made it way better but did not fix it.
Now fariphone is suggesting I send the phone back.
I am reluctant to do so because I have the impression they cannot fix it from reading this forum.

Thus my question is: did anybody send back their phone to the fairphone repair and got it successfully repaired ? or did it fail ?

Any feedback appreciated.

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Again Ghosttouches. Not that often but there…


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I’m having the ghost touches again with the latest FP4.TP2D.C.0112 update (april 2024) on Android 13.

I googled the issue and ran into a different topic, so I posted there. But I will link it here.

I will try to use the screws adjustment and foam trick too.

I have seen recently two instances of center vertical line ghost touches on my FP4 with a replacement screen. Still no explanation from Fairphone. Lasted a while at least. Now I am back to insensitive screen and ghost touches and wasted money on a replacement screen too.

I am really not impressed with Fairphone’s response to this issue. I fear the Fairphone 5 may be similarly flawed. I will be losing a large chunk of money on this reselling the device and finding another device to replace it. Let alone time investment in trying to figure out the issue.

For anyone above looking for opinions about the foam mod I don’t think it’s worth your time and I don’t think it’s causing the issue. No difference in my experience and I could not see any issues between the two connectors even on a microscope.

My guess is that it is some sort of processing fault on the controller inside the display case that deals with the touch events and something to do with the punch out for the camera. Possibly firmware in there is not properly ignoring that odd area or something. The entire screen and touchscreen assembly are produced by a third party as a unit and the processing is intertwined.


Im not aware of any ghost touches report with FP5 yet.

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7 months with the pinch zoom issue introduced with October’s fix… :roll_eyes:
And it’s quite danger use waze when driving…


Had a few center line ghost touch frenzies on my new FP4 screen today. Fairphone support still has no idea about the issue. I’ve let them know that I feel like they’re sweeping it under the rug. I will not be buying a FP5 and I am actively looking for an alternative to my FP4. I don’t trust Fairphone to not screw me on their new device as well. It’s too bad that there is not much repairable competition but there sure are a lot of phones out there without these touchscreen issues.

Same here.
Send my FP4 in for repair, a few months later - same problem (just less frequent…).

Looks like they have no solution since 2022. Seems like it’s a design flaw that they don’t want to own up to.

Answer from Support Yesterday about my issue (2nd attempt) was:

“Based on your warranty, we can offer a second repair of the phone. Our technicians will inspect it and look for the root cause of the reported issue. If there are no signs of user damage, they will fully repair your device. This will likely involve replacing the display module and/or adding a small padding to prevent pressure on the connectors, which has been identified as a cause of this issue.”


If this is indeed the case, then a self-repair attempt could be made (assuming no further damage to connectors by not having padding so far). You could ask for instructions on how to perform this. Maybe you’re lucky and get something helpful that does not require sending in the phone (again).

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