General Thank-you

Hi, everyone;
With some help from a few members here, I have just successfully switched my FP5 over to eOS. All things considered, it went incredibly smoothly, and I just wanted to acknowledge the effort that people are willing to put into communities like this.

While I feel fairly competent with tech, I don’t have nearly the knowledge or experience that it would take to answer questions here with any confidence. The fact that there are people who can, and consistently do provide help - in a very timely manner! - is actually really remarkable.

It just really feels like this is the sort of thing where I should bring people some cookies or balloons at some point. Clicking a little heart icon at the bottom of a post that kept me from ruining my phone seems like a pretty empty gesture.

Cheers to everyone here. I’ll do my best to keep paying attention, and look for ways I can contribute a little bit.