a user from Sweden-Malmö sent me this message:
SE:“Är ni intresserade av att få min Fairphone 3? Inköpt i aug 2020. Moderkortet slutade fungera för en månad sen. Alla delar kvar, inklusive skärm i gott skick. Helt nytt batteri och helt ny bottom module, isatta men aldrig använda. (En reparatör trodde att någon av de delarna kunde vara problemet.)”
ENG: “Are you interested in getting my Fairphone 3? Purchased in Aug 2020. The motherboard stopped working a month ago. All parts left, including screen in good condition. Brand new battery and brand new bottom module, changed but never used. (A repairman thought one of those parts could be the problem.)”
Is someone in Sweden in need of one of the part he mentioned?
FP3 Screen
FP3 Bottom module
FP3 Battery