FrameWork laptop launch - repairable, upgradable - New stuff for 2023 too

10 posts were split to a new topic: Discussion about the Acer Aspire Vero

Available without Windows, as the DIY edition. I’m sure, I got one.


UPDATE: :frowning:
There is an issue with the RTC it is a rechargeable one and doesn’t hold the charge for a few weeks. So OK for people like me which use it daily, but a bummer for someone who wants to put it away for a week or so and then find they have to plug it in for it to switch on even if the main battery is changed, say to 60%…

So whereas I think this could/should have been explained prior to sale, even with such an issue I would have bought it. It’s just I would have been happier as I wouldn’t see the inevitable complaints. :cry:


It’s been available in the US for a year now < 5 months in the EU

I dual boot Win 11 and Ubuntu 22.04

Someone assembled a 3D printed tablet from a Framework, thanks to the CAD files being openly available. Here’s the guide for it:


It’s worth noting that

  • V2 has only been in production since July
  • I have the V1 and it’s working fine too
  • I would call it Fair in the sense of the Fairphone There is no effort to source fairly mined material nor pay extra wages to the factory workers.

The only indication that there is any general care is the Carbon offsetting, which I consider a devious attempt to greenwash continued consumer consumption.

The cardboard packaging and repairability Fairphone and Framework do have in common as well a number of consumers.

All the best with the phone by the way :smiley:

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OK Here’s some shocking news, amazing upgrades AMD or 16" screen . . . . enough to make me cry. Their market crashed under new views :slight_smile:

Ok The announcements came a bit late so scroll the video to 26 min and 26 seconds to start the movie, it really is a must and shoving what has been accomplished since the last upgrade in June 2022


Framework published a cheap DIY fix for the Gen11 rtc battery drain issue. Voids warranty, though, but that’s inevitable for DIY repairs.


Voiding the warranty isn’t inevitable for DIY repairs. Framework legitimately seems to support self-repair and third-party repair, and I think nrp tries to make the warranty situation clear in what he says (note nrp, the person posting this, is Framework’s founder):

In other words, if you damage the mainboard by your rework, they’re not going to cover that under the warranty, but that doesn’t mean the warranty is void. If you implement the fix, and, for example, your keyboard stops working some time later, or you have problems with one of the known defects (fraying USB cable, loosening hinge, etc), the warranty will still cover those.

This is as warranties should be: simply repairing or modifying the device shouldn’t void the warranty, it should just mean that self-inflicted damage isn’t covered. That is, of course, somewhat up to the interpretation of the company, but that’s also what companies can build reputations on.


Here’s a new video of the upgrades:


A very helpful clarification. Thanks!

And another video by a noted investor

And yet another video . .


I’d really like to know why they dont put 2 USB-C slots in one module here:

Producing this would probably cost less than 1 € more.

Such a waste of slots and space…


This is discussed at framework forum also.
Dual USB-C Expansion Card Mockup - Creators & Developers / Expansion Card - Framework Community
In the second post an employee explains why it is hard to achieve.


It is much more complicated than that. Right now this module is just an extension without much electronic stuff around it.
Building a USB hub, however, is something else entirely.
Here is a whole discussion about your exact question:

EDIT: too late :see_no_evil:


Ok. Then it might cost 20 € instead of 10 €.
But if we accept some small limitations (for example only one of the USB-C ports can do power supply), then i can be possible.

If it was that easy it would have been done two years ago. And if you read the relevant topics you will see Framework have thought about and are still thinking about it.

So can you wait ?