🇫🇷 🇬🇧 Forgot password /oubli de mot de passe

:uk: Hi there,
I bought a fairphone a month ago and put a code and then decided not to use it until my old phone would be broken. Now I want to use it but I forgot the password to open it. I am at trial 25 and can’t get any other options can you tell me how to unlock it ?

:fr: Bonjour,
J’ai acheté un fairphone il y a un mois et j’ai mis mon mot de passe dessus, puis j’ai décidé de le ranger en attendant que mon autre portable soit en panne. Aujourd’hui en essayant de l’utiliser je réalise que j’ai bêtement oublié mon mot de passe et étant à la 25 tentative de mot de passe; je voudrais savoir comment je peux le débloquer et l’utiliser.


Are you talking about a screen lock, SIM pin or encryption password?
Did you already put some important stuff on your phone you haven’t saved anywhere else?

If it’s a screen lock and you don’t have important data saved on your phone you could simply perform a #dic:hardreset and start new.

I believe we are talking about the screen lock because I know my company pin which was accepted (I can receive calls).
Thanks !

Ups I forgot to say it is a Fairphone 2

I got that from the category. :wink:

I am sorry again
I don’t understand English very well.
When I do the hardreset pressing power button and then volume up, I get the green robot but underneath there is written No command
I can press power button for few secs Nothing apears

In this situation press power + volume up again to open the recovery menu.

I keep having it!!! The screen turns black I get Fairphone screen, and green robot with no command.
I am turning mad.
any other solution?

This is the normal start screen of the recovery mode, this is no error.
Just do what @paulakreuzer advised from there.

Many Thanks!
I finally solved it partially with this link (in French) https://toutandroid.fr/deverrouiller-un-schema-oublie-sur-fairphone/
I believe my account was locket with Google so I had to manage that. Once I errased my location settings on google, I turned off my phone, waited and pressed the ON button with (a bit after) the volume up and the phone automatically turned on and started as when it was new. It never requested if I wanted to reset or anything…
Then Google sent a message telling I had locked my phone and requested security information, which I gave and the phone settings started again.
Hope I did not mess up with it.

Pour les francophones, le lien m’a partiellement aidé, j’ai également suivi les instructions données sur cette conversation et je n’ai pas téléchargé l’app qu’ils proposent sur mon lien. Je suis débutante en informatique et un grand ZERO en maths donc il vaut mieux suivre les conseils donnés par paulakreuzer.

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