FP5 update asked for password but no password set

Hi all,

I’ve installed an update on my FP5 this morning. After installing and rebooting, the phone asked for a password (black screen and only option is to fill in a password of make an emergency call).
The issue is that I didn’t set up a password. I have a pincode, fingerprint and facial recognition. The pincode doesn’t work. Any possible Google passwords don’t work.

Anybody a solution, other that a factory reset?

Strange. Might that be the SIM password? Maybe boot without SIM to verify?

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I don’t think you can use face or fingerprint unlock without first setting a pattern or a text or number based password of some kind. In any case Android should periodically ask for it anyway (mine certainly does).

I have a similar problem: My FP5 ran out of battery. When rebooting, it aks for a pin - I type in the SIM-pin and it accepts, but then it wants a pin again and I have no idea what the pin is. It is not the SIM-pin or any other I am aware of.

If you didn’t set up a password yourself could it be that this is some kind of ransomware attack? Have you downloaded any new apps right before it happened?

Thats normally the phone PIN you set-up.

I dont think that this chance is very high.

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