FP5 Picture quality/steadiness

Hi everyone, i’m having some problems with my fp5 camera. I have the steady snap option enabled yet when i am taking photos they are from steady. Granted the problem mostly arises when i take a photo of my daughter who moves suddenly but it’s really affecting capturing those special moments. My partner can take a photo on his phone (different make) at the same time and get’s a much better result. I’m wandering if there’s some settings i don’t know about or is this just how it is? Attaching a photo also.

Hi and welcome to the community. Is it the same outside with good lightning conditions? Do you have the AI scene detection enabled as well? What if you take a series in such moments, are all always bad?

Do you see that yellow sign in those moments?


I’d also recommend the series function for those moments. Just keep the finger on the button in auto mode and you shoot 20 pictures in a row.

Thanks for your answer. I can see that the pictures are of better quality when outside and AI scene detection is enabled. I haven’t tried taking pictures in a series so i will try that next and see what comes out of it. I’m getting the yellow sign but it flashes on and off the screen.

Thanks for the advice, i’ll try it. This function is only available with the back camera right?

Yes, main camera only.

Hi Emma!

I don´t have an FP5 but but if I guess correctly what the steady snap option does, it seems to me that the problem with this photo of yours isn´t the steadines of the camera but the steadines of your daughter. :wink:

You see, no matter what the vibrance reduction system in the camera is, it only takes away the shake of the camera, and it seems to me that that is what it has done in the photo. Even if your hand has shaken when you have been taking this photo, the walls behind your daughter are sharp. However, when your daughter suddenly moves, it is seen in the photo as motion blur. That happens even with the best pro cameras: if the shutter speed is slow and the subject moves, that happens.

So, if I´ve understood correctly, the steady snap option tries to eliminate the shaking of the camera. If you take the photo in a dimly lit environment, the AI or automatic photo function of the camera has to keep the shutter open for longer so that enough light can be caught on censor. It uses some tech stuff to calculate how much time is enough so that the photo is exposed in a way the camera thinks is a good exposure. In a well lit environment that time is very short, in a darker environment it tries to find a perfect balance between shutter speed (too slow = motion blur), aperture sixe (too big = not all in the photo is focused) and ISO (too high = noice in the photo).

And all that causes that if your daughter or what ever you are taking the photo of moves while the shutter is open, what happens is what we can see in your daughters hands here.

I´d suggest that if you need to take a photo in a dimly lit environment, instead of steady shot option you try the normal mode or even the RAW (or Pro) mode (is that still available in FP5?) and manually adjust the shutter speed fast enough and pump up the ISO or aperture to light the photo properly. Or let it under expose a little and then crank it up in a photo editing app.

Hope that helps.


I think its actually to take pictures of moving objects (at least the pictogram is a running person) however I guess that means it will reduce shutter speed (not sure it focus continuously in addition), so quite the opposite of what is needed in bad lightning conditions

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