FP4 - very privacy-friendly custom ROM iodéOS

Could you specify which of the partitions are considered firmware partitions, are we talking abl.img, aop.img, bluetooth.img, core_nhlos.img, dsp.img, dtb.img, modem.img, qupfw.img, tz.img, uefisecapp.img, xbl.img and so on? :thinking:

If that’s the case, here’s the situation for the available custom ROMs at the moment

Firmware ROM
:white_check_mark: CalyxOS (version 3.3.2)
:white_check_mark: /e/ (version 0.23)
:white_check_mark: iodé (version 2.4) Edit: Firmware only missing in 3.0 beta
:man_shrugging: LeOS-S (Firmware folders empty, no idea how GSIs work :see_no_evil:)
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