FP4 + Ubuntu Touch

I know more users are waiting, but i think it would be not months a few weeks i think…


Do banking apps work on Ubuntu Touch, trough waydroid? Or are they blocked, because of not trusted phone?
I ha a Fairphone 4, and I need my banking apps on it, which usually mean that alternative ROMs are a no-go, or a pain to work with

Mine was working on WayDroid, you can also register your device on google website, look into the Waydroid telegram group for that.

Ratchanan did a Live porting session of UbuntuTouch 20.04 “Focal” to Fairphone4 as a overlay store system.
The youtube video is 2h20’ long, but I found it really interesting :smiley:

Fairphone 4 will be the first “GSI” port to have overlay files in the new “overlay store” format. This should allow me to see if the system actually fits its purpose. As a bonus, we’ll get Fairphone 4 on Ubuntu Touch 20.04. We’ll be joined by other UBports developers who will help me “ask the right questions”.


I just installed ubports on my fairphone (one of them)
my initial impression is amazing, with a bonus.
first, it is working great for me. but the highlight is yet to come.
I connected a bluetooth HID set, and a 15" FHD monitor, and I just used it for several hours instead of my laptop.
first time I found a “consolidated” device that does the work for me.


Has anyone done a video overview of what it looks like in desktop mode on the FP4? I would be super keen to see!



Mouse scrolling in web apps didn’t work, the phone screen has to stay on, and after i exit desktop mode i can’t enter it again without a reboot.


Thank you! web apps means pwa, right? Any chance you could show us a bit more?

Web apps use the Qt webEngine like the webbrowser. I don’t know more than that.
Anything i particular you would like to see? I got the phone this week, and have used the dock maybe 5 min :stuck_out_tongue: Can probably make a new video next week.

Yes, please. I’d like to know how snappy UT feels - scrolling, changing apps etc.

For now without video I’ll say scrolling in the browser is ok but not as responsive as android. Everything else works as well as I could hope for though.

Still no sign of waydroid coming out with the necessary update unfortunately…

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On the Telegram group, Muhammad said that he managed to install Waydroid manually, by building the images and installing them. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I know it’s possible without an official release but there were hopes that it wouldn’t be a long time coming so it might be worth just waiting. Haven’t had any updates recently though…

sorry for the late upload, I’m not that inventive, so i give you crabrave.


Edit: Warning high volume at the end

I wouldn’t switch to Ubuntu touch just yet, i’d wait for a stable build image, waydroid support and notch adjustments. I’m guessing a month or two.


Thanks a lot! It seems to work way better than I thought. I am going to follow your advice, though. Thx!

So it seems like Waydroid would support FP4’s Halium 11 now since a few days ago but since the version of Waydroid in the repos for FP4 is old a manual install of a newer waydroid is still needed to get it working. Things are still not quite there yet for the easy way but maybe it won’t be too much longer…

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I got those Waydroid install instructions on the FP4+UT Telegram group :

You need to install via apt and apply these changes: GitHub - UbuntuTouch-vayu/waydroid_11

If you try to power off/stop waydroid the whole phone crashes.

By the way, FP4 got an RC channel now! :partying_face:

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Thank you for the instructions! I somewhat dislike using Telegram groups that are not even visible to the public for stuff like this so I’ve put off registering there myself.

Not being able to stop waydroid does sound somewhat of a show stopper if it’s true that waydroid is quite power hungry as I’ve heard.

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Let’s say it’s a “anticipated preview” and not yet officially fully supported. :angel:

I guess in the coming days/weeks they will solve the remaining bugs and make the installation more straightforward :crossed_fingers: :smile:

In any case seeing that now a Waydroid image for Halium11 is build automatically and that it’s not necessary anymore to build Waydroid from sources is a great milestone, and it shows that they are actively working on it :smiley:

And for the show stopper:

just that you can’t stop the session nor the container, you’ll crash your phone

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The instructions certainly worked for installing Waydroid but as I suspected having it constantly running is a problem because the battery life becomes really bad.

Still is certainly nice to have the option as there are things you can’t run natively. Hopefully it won’t be too long before it can be shut down without rebooting the whole phone.