FP4 reboots (randomly?) when Telegram X closes

Hi there, I’ve been the owner of a FP4 for over a month now, and it’s been great.

However, there’s a strange bug that happened to me twice now : the entire android system seems to perform a “soft reboot” when force-closing the Telegram X (internal app name : org.thunderdog.challegram) application from my recent app list. It happens ‘randomly’ : it happened now a a few weeks ago but not all the times I’ve closed the app in-between.

What do I mean by a “soft reboot” ? The entire windowing system crashes, fades to black, and the boot animation appears but I do not need to re-enter my PIN after the boot sequence.

It might do the same with other apps, but I’ve not seen it yet.
It might be a problem on Telegram X’s side, but as it never happened on my old phone (Samsung Galaxy S8+) I’m leaning towards this being a FP4 issue.

Below are some logs from around the time of the crash I’ve been able to collect using adb’s logcat utility. The com.teslacoilsw.notifier seems to be a secondary thread for the Nova Launcher, which I’m using on my phone as my home screen manager.

If any more information is required, I’d be happy to provide it.

Logs :

09-12 18:01:47.888 25740 27235 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.teslacoilsw.notifier
09-12 18:01:49.638 25740 27235 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.teslacoilsw.notifier
09-12 18:02:01.480 20227 20280 E ActivityManager: ProcessRecord{8b99f65 25740:org.thunderdog.challegram/u0a213} is attached to a previous process
09-12 18:02:01.485 20227 20280 E ActivityManager: Already have existing proc ProcessRecord{8b99f65 25740:org.thunderdog.challegram/u0a213} when adding ProcessRecord{d92dc1d 0:org.thunderdog.challegram/u0a213}
09-12 18:02:01.488 20227 20315 E ActivityManager: ProcessRecord{8b99f65 25740:org.thunderdog.challegram/u0a213} refused to die, but we need to launch ProcessRecord{d92dc1d 0:org.thunderdog.challegram/u0a213}
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: android.display
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: 	at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:437)
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.android.server.am.OomAdjuster.updateUidsLocked(OomAdjuster.java:1084)
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.android.server.am.OomAdjuster.updateOomAdjLockedInner(OomAdjuster.java:698)
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.android.server.am.OomAdjuster.updateOomAdjLocked(OomAdjuster.java:442)
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.updateOomAdjLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:18243)
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.trimApplicationsLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:18497)
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.trimApplications(ActivityManagerService.java:18456)
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$LocalService.trimApplications(ActivityManagerService.java:19308)
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.android.server.wm.ActivityStackSupervisor.lambda$activityIdleInternal$0$ActivityStackSupervisor(ActivityStackSupervisor.java:1389)
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.android.server.wm.-$$Lambda$ActivityStackSupervisor$iNb1-M_lYtbDycAXODgbDkmI9ww.run(Unknown Source:2)
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: 	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: 	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: 	at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67)
09-12 18:02:01.535 20227 20280 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:44)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: Exception executing zygote command: 
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: java.lang.IllegalStateException: IOException on command socket
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteConnection.processOneCommand(ZygoteConnection.java:127)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteServer.runSelectLoop(ZygoteServer.java:546)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:939)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: Caused by: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.readba_native(Native Method)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.access$300(LocalSocketImpl.java:37)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	at android.net.LocalSocketImpl$SocketInputStream.read(LocalSocketImpl.java:113)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.readBytes(StreamDecoder.java:291)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead(StreamDecoder.java:355)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.read(StreamDecoder.java:181)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	at java.io.InputStreamReader.read(InputStreamReader.java:184)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	at java.io.BufferedReader.fill(BufferedReader.java:172)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(BufferedReader.java:335)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(BufferedReader.java:400)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	at com.android.internal.os.Zygote.readArgumentList(Zygote.java:975)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteConnection.processOneCommand(ZygoteConnection.java:125)
09-12 18:02:01.692 19764 19764 E ZygoteServer: 	... 2 more
09-12 18:02:01.743 18642 18642 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
09-12 18:02:01.743 18642 18642 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:interactor, PID: 18642
09-12 18:02:01.743 18642 18642 E AndroidRuntime: DeadSystemException: The system died; earlier logs will point to the root cause
09-12 18:02:01.750 18642 18699 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: GoogleApiHandler
09-12 18:02:01.750 18642 18699 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:interactor, PID: 18642
09-12 18:02:01.750 18642 18699 E AndroidRuntime: DeadSystemException: The system died; earlier logs will point to the root cause
09-12 18:02:01.764 30763 30763 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
09-12 18:02:01.764 30763 30763 E AndroidRuntime: PID: 30763
09-12 18:02:01.764 30763 30763 E AndroidRuntime: DeadSystemException: The system died; earlier logs will point to the root cause
09-12 18:02:01.767 30780 30780 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
09-12 18:02:01.767 30780 30780 E AndroidRuntime: PID: 30780
09-12 18:02:01.767 30780 30780 E AndroidRuntime: DeadSystemException: The system died; earlier logs will point to the root cause
09-12 18:02:12.907   959   959 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Failed to open directory: Permission denied
09-12 18:02:12.907   959   959 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Error occurred while deleting old tombstone files
09-12 18:02:12.907   959   959 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Error writing files to flash
09-12 18:02:12.910   959   959 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Stopping legacy HAL
09-12 18:02:12.910   959   959 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Legacy HAL trigger wifi cleanup
09-12 18:02:12.970   959  7984 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: SetWifiUpState(false) completed
09-12 18:02:12.970   959  7984 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Legacy HAL Wifi event loop exited
09-12 18:02:12.970   959  7984 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Legacy HAL event loop terminated
09-12 18:02:17.550   616  8229 E Cryptfs : cryptfs_get_password not valid for file encryption
09-12 18:02:23.579 30843 30857 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found
09-12 18:02:23.579 30843 30857 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found
09-12 18:02:23.579 30843 30857 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found
09-12 18:02:23.579 30843 30857 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found
09-12 18:02:26.826 32249 32249 F libc    : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 32249 (init), pid 32249 (init)
09-12 18:02:26.908 32249 32249 F libc    : crash_dump helper failed to exec
09-12 18:02:34.960 30843 30857 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'INTERFACE' not found
09-12 18:02:34.960 30843 30857 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'STATE' not found
09-12 18:02:34.960 30843 30857 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found
09-12 18:02:34.960 30843 30857 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found
09-12 18:02:35.164   610  2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for androidx.car.app.connection
09-12 18:02:44.319 31787  2423 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for instantapp-dev-manager

Welcome to the community :wave:

I’m not an Android developer, but that part…

…does look very much like a Telegram X problem.

Maybe raise an issue on their GitHub bugtracker as well. Not sure, but that issue could be related :thinking:

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