FP4 reboots instead of staying switched off while charging

Hello everyone,

I hope you can help me with my problem: I have two batteries for my FP4 and had planned to charge one of them while the phone is switched off. Some weeks ago, this worked without any problems. No major updates since.

Today I shut the phone down, switched the battery, plugged the charger in and the phone started booting. I turned it off again, it stayed off for a few seconds and rebooted. I tried different chargers, both batteries - nothing changed.

Has anyone an idea how to solve this?

Welcome to the Community Forum.

Does the phone actually boot to the home screen (where apps are shown)? I’m asking because when I start charging the FP4 (in switched off state), it will launch the “splash screen” (reading “Fairphone Powered by Android”), but will not proceed to the home screen, but just show the charging battery and the charging level.

Yes or let’s rather say: To the screen where I have to enter my PIN to unlock the SIM.

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Hmm, one wild theory… Did you actully fully power on the phone (enter PIN etc.) after switching batteries, and only then switched it off for charging? I can imagine that when it detects it has a new battery, it might want to run something that’s not available in the off state (e.g. reset the coulomb meter or something like that). But I’d also be surprised by that.

I guess I need to add some more details:

  • it happens with both batteries
  • it doesn’t matter how far the battery is charged
  • it also happens when the FP4 was already running for a while and I then switch it off

This is the usual behaviour I knew so far, but somehow my FP4 now has different ideas.

I tried different things: Immediately switching it off again, letting it start up completely and then switching it off, keeping it running for several minutes before switching it off - always the same result: The screen stayed dark for a few seconds, then I got the “Fairphone powered by Android” screen, then the blue dots and the “Change is in your hands” screen and then I had to enter my PIN.

I’ve also contacted the support and I’m curious to see what they will say …

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Just a quick update: I received an answer from the support with a guide of several steps (using different chargers, updating the phone, doing a factory reset …) and before going through them, I decided to check one last time if I can charge the phone while it’s switched off. And guess what: All of a sudden it worked again! So I decided to close the incident with the support, although I still don’t understand why it worked at first, didn’t work for a while and now it works again :thinking:

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