FP4 - Pictures Gallery

“This topic will be automatically deleted in 5 days.” ???

Usually it’s always “This topic will close 6 months after the last reply”, so why is this one deleted, and after only 5 days?? :astonished:


Its changed, just drop the mods a message in such cases.

Still, now it’s “This topic will automatically close in 5 months” instead of the traditional 6 months.
And no mention of “after the last reply”. It’s just 5 months, the axe.

If I were this thread I’d be getting complexes… :laughing:

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Hi KurtF, just for the fun I wanted to share some of your pics above after a two clics post-processing using Fotoxx that makes them look to my eyes half way to those made with the Pixel 6. But for some reason the preview shows only rubbish; gnee, first time happens to me.

I don’t actually have any pictures in this thread, could that be the reason why it doesn’t work? :laughing:

« I wanted … but », yeah.

Well, since this thread has been revived anyway, let me at least post some (older) pictures and pay some cat tax in the process:

  1. June 2023, FP4 stock camera app:

  2. June 2023, FP4 stock camera app:

  3. June 2023, FP4 stock camera app (unzoomed vs. zoomed):



Also rest in peace Henri (the Campus cat). I hear he was recently run over by a car on Campus. :crying_cat_face:

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Here’s some ice coffee I had this evening, photographed with the stock camera app (on the left) and the Open Camera app (on the right) respectively. I used the normal lense and regular mode. Note that the sun had already gone down, so lighting was all artificial despite being outside, but the images turned out fine.

Also there’s some more cat tax from earlier today. :smile_cat:

Update, 05. Sep 2023:
Since no more than three consecutive answers are allowed, it had to be an edit unfortunately.

Well, since I’m at it already, let me be a good taxpayer and continue my cat-tax streak with some pictures from this afternoon - this time with proper sunlight. Again with Fairphone stock camera on the left, Open Camera on the right:


Nikita GCam


There’s probably a fair amount of ML shenanigans going on but still, for a FP4 picture, quite happy with the result :slightly_smiling_face:
(BSG GCam MGC 8.9.097)


In comparison: New stock app, 2x zoom


Some concert photos

Gcam port:

Old stock cam:


Old stock cam with aweful noise reduction:

OpenCamera with the same problem:

Gcam port:

I am interested in how the new stock cam will behave in such situations.


Sorry, no “Wow what a picture!” shots here… :flushed:
I just wanted to assess the changes of the FP4.TP29.C.0101 “Big Camera” update using my “FP4 camera test bush” (yes, I have very strange plants around here!..).

Here is a shot I made about a year ago (cropped, resized):

and this is the shot with the FP4.TP29.C.0101 “Big Camera” update, I made a couple minutes ago (cropped, resized):

Note in both pictures the huge yellow highlights, which actually don’t exist in reality, the highlights you see in reality are just the small white ones.
While the old pic had those fake big yellow highlights on all berries, the new one has them only on some. The berries and the leaves are also generally less washed out.
It’s definitely better, although not perfect yet.
(In both cases simple point & click in bright sunshine.)


When using 8x zoom, stock app is now superior to Gcam port.


Selfie comparison after update.

Stock cam

Gcam 8.9 BSG MGC

OpenCamera (DRO mode)

Stock cam wins in my opinion.




Stock cam widescreen