FP4 on Android 12 can't update to FP4I.A.0175

Hi everyone,

I was in Taiwan recently (mid-late December), where my FP4 updated to Android 12. There is also another thread about a user with an FP4 on A12 here
My phone is currently on build FP4.SP1X.B.029.20221118
Now back in Europe, my phone is attempting to update to FPA4I.A.0175 , which is a version of A11. This update has regularly failed for me, forcing me to reset my phone to factory settings.
In 12 days the update will be done automatically. How should I proceed? Should I wait for the European updates to catch up to A12? I would prefer not downgrading to A11 again, as everything is working fine. How can I avoid the forced auto-update?

Thanks in advance and best regards

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This may end up in a dilemma.
I assume that FP also has anti-rollback protection

Welcome to the community :wave:

Interesting, I always wondered if something like that would happen once the other case became known.

I don’t think you have to stress too much about the approaching forced update, it’s not like those can skip the checks that are in place. There is no upgrade path to A.175 from the build you are on, so it will just keep on failing because of some hash missmatches.

You should however #contactsupport as soon as possible if you haven’t already.


Part of this is interesting for me. Is there a reliable way to avoid such updates?

You can completely disable automatic system updates in the developer options. For obvious reasons, this is not recommended and hence the option is hidden. But in borderline cases like this, it might come in handy.

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Thank you. I prefer to manually update.

Easy, don’t travel to Taiwan :wink:


Wait a second – Taiwan Fairphones get Android 12? :open_mouth:

That would mean it’s already finished. It could arrive here any minute (day, month)…


The dev team of FP is in Taiwan. I think it was just a mistake and they were careless with opening up the beta inside that country, not taking into account regular people also go their with their Fairphone.

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Really? It takes some level of incompetence to go give your unfinished beta to all network operators to freely distribute… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It is OK but there are some carrier issues, which don’t occur in Taiwan.

All been mentioned soemwhere :slight_smile:


Does it really come as a surprise though? :grin:

Why are you so greedy for Android 12?

I think you are mistaking not just greed for hunger but the sheer taste of a new delight.

Why buy stale bread when there’s a fresh bake just about to pop out of the oven.

You may be happy with stale bread, but wanting fresh bread isn’t greed after all it’s still only one loaf.


Because the fresh bread straight from the oven is much smaller and tastes worse?
Since Android 6 Google limited user rights with every major version. Certainly YMMV.

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“Greedy” is beside the point. At least as far as I am concerned, it’s all about security, and whatever happens, support for 12 will last longer than for 11, won’t it. And long support is the main reason I bought a Fairphone, else I would had stayed with Samsung.

So, if I am to be stuck with something because of chipset EOL issues, I’d rather be stuck with Android 13 than 12 (or 11). (Here I’m assuming Fairphone will keep releasing security patches, but by buying a Fairphone I was betting on them soldiering on. If they fold, I’ve lost my bet and my money anyway.)


Android 12 also comes with enhanced security and privacy features, monthly updates are not everything, also the major updates count.

For me the one-handed mode from Android 12 is very welcoming, since the phone is just too big to use with one hand, and I have big hands. Among other neat features of course. But I already feel an urge to have Android 13 because it takes privacy and security even further, which of course is too soon for many vendors. But considering the time it takes to get Android 12…


Is it really greed if you want something 2 years after other companies deliver it?


If I don’t need what others delivered, let’s say, 2 years ago…
But it’s just my personal opinion.

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“Need” is a stretch, but looking at the other side of the fence and seeing the grass being a lot greener there… Well that to me is a bit disappointing.