No vibration. Both settings under notifications are turned on ("also vibrate for calls2 and “haptic vibration”) but nothing. I do remember at least haptic vibration working initially, not sure about call vibration. I turned haptic vibration off then though.
This is a bit annoying because I often do not hear my phone ringing. Any ideas anyone what might be wrong?
Please go to #dic:developeroptions (click to find out how to unlock it) > Service Menu > Service Tests > Test Single > Vibrator. Is the phone vibrating?
Hey, thanks. I was looking for that but couldn’t find info on how to turn the dev options on in FP3. Figured it out now. YES. It vibrates. So it’s a software issue??
Yes, the hardware works fine if the Vibrator Test passes. Are you sure that all other relevant settings are activated? What are your settings, e.g. for calls?
Check all the following settings and turn them on if necessary:
Sounds->also vibrate for calls
Sounds->Advanced->other sounds and vibrations (5 options)
Accessibility->Vibration (2 options)
It seems the options unter sounds and accessibility have in part the same outcome, but the sliders are somewhat independent of eachother. Maybe this helps.
So I’ve gone through the settings again, yes, as far as I can tell they’re all on.
Sounds->also vibrate for calls
Sounds->Advanced->other sounds and vibrations (5 options)
Accessibility->Vibration (2 options) - this one I didn’t know about, turned it on, now it works. Apparently that was the issue. Actually it works for calls/messages but not the haptic vibration but that’s fine since I’m going to turn it back off anyway was just for testing
One of my FP3 does not vibrate, even if all these settings are set to “on”.
The vibration device passed the check in the test mode (* # * # 66 # * # *).
Device: Fairphone 3 (without +)
OS: 6.A.028.1
What could be the reason for the behavior ?
The problem seems to the the default settings for vibration strength. If the strength is changed in the keyboard settings from “Standard” to - for example - “65 ms”, the phone vibrates on every keyboard input. Why is the strength set to zero, if haptic feedback is enabled ?
Why it wont work if haptic feedback is enabled and the vibration device is working correct ?
I tried a reset to factory defaults and it wont fix the issue.
this has nothing to do with vibration of the keyboard.
Haptic feefdback can be off and still I can have keyboard vibration and vice versa. I dont really understand what actually is not working: calls, messages, haptic feedback, keyboard vibration?
I have to correct myself: it seems at some point at least with GBoard this changed and general haptic feedback setting is relevant for the haptic keyboard/Gboard to work, so for Gboard it must be enabled as well to get keyboard haptic feedback.