Alternatively, the Fairphone 3 (not the Fairphone 3+) originally came with a simple bumper to put around the cover rim for extra protection. If the cracked corner doesnât give you structural or functional deficiencies now, perhaps putting a bumper around it all might suffice? You could try to get one in the #market category (if you donât have it already).
I think you will find that is the core rear module, surround, which by the way is not available in the market place, but not âtooâ expensive.
EDIT It isnât available as a user option and would void the warranty by a DIY replacement
The back cover does not surround the sides of the phone. @CieJey
As for repair their are two options
Use a any hard setting 2 part resin or
Use a hard setting rubber
You will want to fashion and glue a small strip of very thin plastic to the inside and let that dry for a day or two. You could use double sided strip if you find something stiff enough to hold the curve, you can then fill from the outside and sand it down.
Once sanded use clear nail varnish to smooth the outer edge.
Even thought the rear module isnât that expensive, personally I wouldnât bother and yes the rear module is the same for the FP3 and the FP3+
I would get a protective case to prevent further damage. I do think the back cover on my FB3+ is too thin, part of it broke off at the bottom, was able to get a replacement, I always get a protective case because I have always been clumsy and I take the phone almost everywhere.
Thank you for all your messages and sorry for my late reply. By core module, I meant the rear module, of course.
@AnotherElk, @lordreesmogg: Thanks for your tip, unfortunately I had bought the protective cover afterwards. As the screen had obviously failed due to moisture anyway, I would like to close the spot as best I can
@anon9989719: Thanks for the tip! I remodelled the missing part with a two-component methacrylate-based adhesive (Pattex 2K Stabilit Express, but any other or an epoxy-based adhesive will probably work just as well). Here is a short tutorial for anyone who has the same problem:
separate the display from the case and stick a strip of adhesive tape around the curve of the display and around the bottom of the case.
sand the glue to the round shape with a file, also sand the underside so that the back cover fits on it, if necessary sand off excess material on the inside with a drill.