No, that is not the case. I thought of it, and did a second backup of these partitions with TWRP, and could check that the second time they had the same checksum as my own images from dd. The content on these partitions definitely changed, but I cannot see how nor why. And the incident with the OTA updates happened long before the TWRP image was even available, so that is not either the cause of the mismatch in the contents of the first TWRP backup and my own.
Also the mismatch in the name of the partition is probably due to a mismatch between the name of the partition and the mount point. I think modemsti is mounted on /efsi, and i stands for 1, 2. So TWRP naming convention seems to follow the mount point naming instead of the partition naming.
yes, it would be great to have a list of all historic firmwares. the older the better - we can always patch an old firmware to a newer one with any of the delta patches, but going back in time is not possible. So in theory all we need is the oldest firmware ever and all the OTA diff URLs ever issued since
(That rises an interesting question - do the OTA diff URLS ever expire?)
Does that mean we can upload our own community key, re-sign sdl and aboot, as well as community created boot partition and then have the phone locked and fully protected with a non-stock operating system? That’d be cool!
Theoretically yes, but that’s very risky since the fuses can only be set once.
It does mean though, that sbl1 isn’t verified and it should be possible to load any firehose-programmer in EDL mode (given you find a working one for sdm632)
Thanks for doing this important work! Can anyone guess how long this development will take approximately? My FP2 starts to fall apart and I would really like to switch to a FP3 running LineageOS. Are we talking about weeks or months or is it impossible to foresee the development time at all?
Thanks to all the experts here for the huge progress in the last few weeks.
Unfortunately I only have little time at the moment to participate and it’s been some time since I’ve worked on Android system development. But I want to try to dig little into LOS.
Dumb question to the experts: Wouldn’t this config or this respectively a good one to start with?
calling somebody or getting called ended with a black screen
display resolution
turning display back on
GSM (f-droid synced over GSM)
ethernet over usb-c via adapter
receiving sms
seeing that I get called
fingerprint sensor
It takes an eternity to boot up, but I think that’s because the camera does not work.
If you use fastboot boot and want to boot into your custom twrp, you have to reboot your phone into recovery mode and hold the volume down key. Otherwise it will skip the initramfs.