FP3 Core Module Broken (Again) - Should I Go for FP5?

Thanks for your response @Mixigodo

Just to be fair: there are also people who have had the FP3 for 4 years

With “an FP3 thing”, I didn’t want to imply that the majority of users is having this kind of issue. It’s just noticeable that most (maybe all) reports of sudden deaths in here are about FP3, and not 4 or 5.

It might be bad luck, but I also consider it might be related to how people use or carry their phone, so that it’s more likely to happen to some users. (It’s not that I am treating my hardware in a bad way, but it could e.g. make a difference whether the phone is usually kept in a trousers’ pocket vs. jacket pocket.)

The 5yr warranty is a great thing (and I’d definitely go for FP5 over FP4 for that reason), nevertheless I’d be frustrated if the main part of the phone would have to be replaced several times in these 5 years. It’s just not what I expect of a sustainable phone which is designed to last.

If already contacted FP support and asked for advice, let’s see how they respond. Unfortunately they seem to be under heavy load ATM.

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